Journey North News

Bald Eagle Migration Update: May 6, 1996

Exactly where do you suppose the nests of eagles that winter in New York might be located? After years of research by Peter Nye and other biologists, enough information was collected to make this map. The the 3 eagles you are tracking this spring are heading SOMEWHERE in this part of Canada, but their nests could be anywhere from Labrador to western Ontario. Using today's data see if you can answer this year's final Challenge Question:

Challenge Question #108
Guess the Nest
"Where do you think each eagle's nest is located? Please send the exact latitude and longitude of the location you are guessing."

Next week will be our last eagle migration update. Over the summer we will work with Peter Nye and begin planning for next year's spring migration. We hope to be able to track a live migration once again next year--and we hope you'll join us!

In Earth Day report we asked, "Where was each eagle on Earth Day in 1992, 1994 and 1995? " (Earth Day is April 22nd.) Here's what students at Drummond High School thought:

Yo this is Josh and Rory here from Drummond High School in northwestern Wisconsin. We have a answer for Challange question #93 for the year 1994. The answer is Res. Gouin Lakes in the providence of Quebec, Canada. Mary McHugh (


How to Respond to Challenge Question # 108
1. Address an e-mail message
2. In the Subject Line of the message write: Challenge Question # 108
3. In the body of the message, answer this question:

Guess the Nest
"Where do you think each eagle's nest is located? Please send the exact latitude and longitude of the location you are guessing."

1992 Eagle
Date...............Latitude, Longitude
April 1...........42.139 N, 74.780 W
April 5...........41.626 N, 74.717 W
April 9...........41.389 N, 74.645 W
April 11.........42.458 N, 74.482 W
April 15.........44.774 N, 74.063 W
April 17.........46.027 N, 75.545 W
April 21.........48.807 N, 71.808 W
April 23.........48.838 N, 71.835 W
April 26.........50.098 N, 70.457 W
May 4............54.105 N, 66.019 W

1994 Eagle
Date...............Latitude, Longitude
April 2..........48.383 N, 74.933 W
April 5..........48.400 N, 75.133 W
April 6..........48.366 N, 75.033 W
April 8..........48.316 N, 75.000 W
April 10........48.316 N, 75.200 W
April 15........48.316 N, 75.200 W
April 20........48.316 N, 75.200 W
April 25........48.316 N, 75.200 W

1995 Eagle
Date..............Latitude, Longitude
April 2..........46.033 N, 71.532 W
April 6..........46.758 N, 70.294 W
April 8..........48.258 N, 70.028 W
April 10........48.981 N, 68.798 W
April 14........49.280 N, 68.386 W
April 16........50.018 N, 68.143 W
April 22........52.230 N, 67.372 W
April 26........52.885 N, 68.402 W
April 28........52.859 N, 68.413 W
April 30........53.263 N, 66.490 W

The Final Bald Eagle Migration Update Will be Posted on May 13, 1996.

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