Signs of Spring Everywhere Page

Signs of Spring Everywhere

Background Information

In addition to the "official" sings of spring tracked through Journey North, each year we're surprised by wonderful, spontaneous reports of spring sent from near and distant places. Nebraska students along the great Central Flyway might announce the arrival of a half million cranes. As shorebirds

travel from South America to the Arctic, students at their stopover point in New Jersey might explain how the full moon and horseshoe crabs affect their flight. When spring reaches fever pitch, we might hear from frog specialists who go out at night to count frogs by recording their chorus - and end up with an important measure of environmental quality.

Whether groundhogs or grizzly bears, hummingbirds or whooping cranes, the tiniest insect or the greatest whale, spring touches everything in its path. Perhaps there's a local story you and your students could tell.

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