Journey North News

Ice-Out Study Begins

February 9, 1996

Winter's icy grip has shown its strength this year. Let's find out how far across North America it reaches! We hope you'll participate in Journey North's 1996 Ice Out Study.

Adopt a body of water near you and check to see if it's frozen. You may chose a lake, pond, river, stream, bay, estuary or even an ocean. Keep a close watch over the next weeks and report back to us when ice-out occurs. (We define "ice out" as the time the body of water is 90% free of ice.)

When your adopted H2O is free of ice, simply fill out a Field Data Form by selecting the "Report Your Field Observations" button below. In the comments section, be sure to include the name of your adopted body of water. So that other students can locate it on a map, please include the name of the nearest town.

If you have any questions, please let us know by sending e-mail to: our feedback form

The Next Ice-out Update Will be Posted on Friday, February 23, 1996

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