Journey North News

Ice-Out Update: February 23, 1996

Thanks to Mr. Neidig's 4th graders in Oak Ridge, Tennessee for the first ice-out report of the year! You'll find their message below, along with instructions for reporting ice-out at your adopted lake, pond, river, stream, bay, estuary or ocean.

Should you send an ice-out report if surface water never freezes in your area? Yes, please do! This would be interesting to know because ice--or lack of ice--is a good measure of temperatures in your region.

Internet Ice-Out Contest

Announcing Journey North's 2nd Annual Internet Ice-Out Contest for Walden Pond. When do you think the ice will melt on Walden Pond this spring? Famous naturalist Henry David Thoreau kept records in the mid-1800's and recorded them in his celebrated book, Walden.

You're invited to place your guess. Here's how:

1. Find the ice-out records Thoreau kept for Walden Pond in the mid-1800's. (Hint: He wrote about spring in his best-known book. )

2. Calculate the average date the ice melted over the years he kept records.

3. Next, find out if this winter is colder or warmer than an average Massachusetts winter, and pay attention to the temperatures in Massachusetts over the next few weeks.

4. Finally, place your guess by sending an e-mail message to: The deadline is March 20th, the first day of spring!

We spoke to Denise Morrissey of Walden Pond State Reservation in Concord, Massachusetts on Wednesday. Perhaps her comments might help you:

"Temperatures this winter have been just cold enough for ice, and now the ice on the pond is probably 5-6 inches thick. However, there is slush on top because of all the snow and now the warmer temperatures.We've had alot of snow this winter, not record-breaking amounts, but approximately 80 inches in this area so far. Right now at Walden Pond, it is raining and very foggy--I can't even see the pond from here in the office. We are seeing some bare ground, but as of yesterday, ice fisherman were still on the pond catching stocked trout and native perch. I'm hearing more birds singing recently as the high today should be near 50 degrees."

Challenge Question # 15:

"Who was Thoreau and what do you know about him?"

We hope to hear from you!

1. Address an e-mail message to:

2. In the Subject Line of your message write: Challenge Question #15

3. In the body of the message, give your answer!

We'll share your ideas and those of other students in future reports. You can also see Challenge Question responses on Journey North's WWW site.

Comments From Observers:

From : TENNESSEE Melton Hill Lake near Oak Ridge, Tennessee was never fully frozen, but it was frozen around the edges. The edges thawed out 1/02/96. Peter, Nathan, Kim, Matt, Allison, and Harrison, Mr. Neidig's Grade 4, Linden Elementary, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 36N, 84W

How to Report Ice-Out

When your adopted body of water is 90% free of ice (our definition of "ice-out") please let us know!

Simply fill out a Field Data Form by selecting the button below labeled, "Report Field Observations".

The Next Ice-Out Update Will be Posted on March 8, 1996

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