Journey North News

Common Loon Migration Update:
March 14, 1996

Terrific news arrived from Dave Evers following our last update:

To: Journey North
From: Dave Evers

"We have a loon! On February 27th the loon we've been waiting for was brought into the Suncoast Seabird Santuary. It was found on shore and allowed someone to pick it up. It has no injuries or noticeable diseases. We can finally say that we DO have a suitable candidate to test the transmitters.

For the test, we are using a custom-designed satellite telemetry shell with a radio transmitter inside. The loon was fitted with the transmitter on Wednesday March 6th. My assistant Pete Reaman is keeping the bird for observation and plans to release it today (March 12).

Next, Pete will be following it via radio transmission. We should be able to evaluate its acceptance of the transmitter within the week. Once we are confident that the loon will accept the transmitter, and evidence is pointing in the right direction, then we can order the satellite transmitter. However, it will be close timing. The transmitter will have to be built--and another suitable loon will have to be found--before late April. By then the loons will have left their wintering grounds!

The loon has been preening and eating normally and is not bothered by the antenna. Our fears of the antenna are being calmed but we won't know for sure until the loon is released into the wild. In preparation for this, Pete has gathered 30 minute behavioral observations from 40 different loons.

Our loon has just completed its breeding plumage molt. In the past 10 days Pete has seen it molt from the gray and white winter body plumage to its alternate or breeding plumage He said it's been quite a transformation. I wonder if students realize that loons go through this "change in garb." Many Northerners would hardly recognize loons in the winter months. The loon is now equipped with new feathers, ready for the flight north.

More soon!! - Dave

Challenge Question # 38

"Why do you think it was important for Pete to gather 30 minute behavioral observations from 40 different loons?"

How to Respond to This Challenge Question:

1. Address an e-mail message to:

2. In the Subject Line of your message write: Challenge Question #38.

3. In the Body of your message give the answer!

The Next Loon Migration Update Will be Posted on March 21, 1996

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