Journey North News

Journey North: Signs of Spring Mystery Class

About Journey North's Mystery Class Project

The Mystery Class project lets students observe first-hand how photoperiod changes around the globe with the advance of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Photoperiod is the amount of daylight between sunrise and sunset each day.

Every Monday between February 12 and April 22, students will measure their local sunrise and sunset times. Using this information they'll calculate day length in their own hometown. On the same day, students at 10 Mystery Class locations around the world will also record sunrise and sunset data. On Friday of each week, the data from the Mystery Classes will be delivered to your classroom from points around the globe, thanks to Mrs. Berger's fifth graders in Roslyn, New York.

In May, you'll have a chance to guess where the 10 Mystery Classes are hiding! The only clue: As spring sweeps across the Northern Hemisphere, day length changes everywhere on earth.


1. Every Monday, between February 12 and April 22, record the time the sun rises and sets in your hometown. Your local newspaper should provide this information or you may find it in a calendar from your area.

2. Calculate photoperiod by counting the number of hours and minutes the sun is up. For example, if the sun rises at 6:50 a.m. and sets at 5:30 p.m., the photoperiod for that day is 10 hours and 40 minutes.

3. Record the sunrise and sunset times and the photoperiod for each Monday at your hometown on a datasheet. Then plot the photoperiod of your hometown on a graph. (Datasheets and graphs are provided in the Mystery Class lesson on page 95 in your Journey North Teacher's Manual.)

Do not send your local sunrise& sunset data to Journey North!

4. Every Friday, Mrs. Berger's students will send you the sunrise and sunset data they've collected from our 10 Mystery classes. Notice: The data you receive on Fridays will have been collected on the same Mondays your readings were collected.

5. Record the data from each site on a seperate datasheet and calculate the photoperiod. Then plot the photoperiod from each Mystery Class on your graph. Use a different colored pencil for each Mystery Class.

6. Beginning in April, clues about the geography and culture of each site will be included with the weekly data reports. On May 1st, students will race to guess the location of each Mystery Class.

7. May will be "Meet the Mystery Class Month". Each will introduce themselves on-line and you'll have a chance to correspond with them.... Who ever and where ever they are!

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