Journey North News

Mystery Class Update: February 23, 1996

Thanks to Mrs. Berger's class, here is the second set of sunrise/sunset data from our Mystery sites around the world. As you plot this week's information on your graph, see if you can determine these things:

1) Where is photoperiod changing the most quickly?

2) In which places is it increasing? In which places is it decreasing?

3) What might these things tell you about the location of each site?

Thanks to some sharp 8th grade students in Ms. Menzies' class, you'll notice a change in the way we have reported times this week. You can read their comments below. Hereafter, all times will be reported according to the military clock. We thank them for making this suggestion!

Remember, this information was recorded on Monday, the same day you collected your sunrise/sunset data.


DATE: Monday, Feb.19th


# 1..........07:37 and 16:34

# 2..........06:55 and 17:49

# 3..........06:24 and 19:36

# 4..........06:36 and 17:43

# 5..........06.52 and 20:07

# 6..........08:36 and 18:41

# 7..........07:07 and 19:00.

# 8..........06:58 and 20:14

# 9..........06:25 and 17:13

#10..........07:08 and 18:42

To: Mrs. Berger's Class and Journey North
From: Ms. Menzies 8th Grade Earth Science students
Fosston High School
Fosston, Minnesota

My eighth grade earth science students are working with the Mystery Class project. In preparing to work on graphing the Mystery class photoperiods, my students and I have realized that we must have some information that is not included in the report. Our question is this: Are all of the times listed on the Mystery Class data considered to be in military time? There could be a big difference in results in figuring photoperiod depending on the method you are reporting information.

For example: Monday Feb. 12th Mystery class #1 reports sunrise at 8:02 and sunset at 4:10. I think it is safe to assume that 8:02 means 8:02 am local time. But the sunset could be considered 4:10 pm, if not using military time, or 4:10 am is you are using military time. Big difference in photoperiods!

We hope that you can clear up our confusion for us, so that we can begin making guesses as to where these places are! Thanks alot.

The Next Mystery Class Update Will be Posted on March 1, 1996.

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