Journey North News

Mystery Class Update:
March 8, 1996

Are you noticing some interesting changes in your Mystery Class graph? Do you think you can answer Challenge Question # 28?

"What do you think your graph will look like on March 22, 1996? Why do you think so?"

(To respond to this Challenge Question, please follow the instructions at the end of this report.)

Just as sure as the sun rises in the morning, Mrs. Berger and her students have gathered this week's sunrise and sunset data for you.

Thanks also to Rod Nerdahl of the Minneapolis Planetarium for assistance with this project.


DATE: Monday, March 4th


# 1 6:48 17:19

# 2 6:36 18:04

# 3 6:36 19:19

# 4 6:23 17:53

# 5 7:05 19:49

# 6 8:07 19:09

# 7 7:02 19:01

# 8 7:12 19:57

# 9 6:04 17:29

#10 6:58 18:48

From Mrs. Berger's Class
Roslyn Public Schools
Roslyn, New York
Visit the East Hills School WEB site

How to Respond to Challenge Question # 28:

1. Address an e-mail message to:

2. In the Subject Line of your message write: Challenge Question #28.

3. In the Body of your message, answer this question:

"What do you think your graph will look like on March 22, 1996?" Why do you think so?"

The Next Mystery Class Update Will be Provided on March 15, 1996

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