Journey North News

Mystery Class Update:
March 22, 1996

With the addition of this week's data, does your Mystery Class chart look the way you expected? You'll find below the predictions from students who answered Challenge Question #28. We asked, "What do you think your graph will look like on March 22, 1996? Why do you think so?" Thanks to students in New York and Minnesota for some great answers.

Also included in today's report you'll find the first set of clues. Good luck as you search to find the answers--and the locations of our mystery friends.

Here is this week's sunrise and sunset data collected by Mrs. Berger's fifth grade:


DATE: Monday, March 18th


# 1 5:57 18:03

# 2 6:14 18:18

# 3 6:58 19:01

# 4 6:07 18:02

# 5 7:18 19:30

# 6 7:32 19:34

# 7 6:55 19:01

# 8 6:24 18:37

# 9 5:42 17:44

#10 6:47 6:52

Clues from your Mystery Friends:

Class # Clue

# 1 "The population of our continent is approximately 366,628,000 people."

# 2 "The average date of the last killing frost in spring here is between March 30th and April 30th."

# 3 "We are less than 3,000 miles away from the hottest place on earth."

# 4 "Our newspaper lists sunrise and sunset times under the list of prayer times."

# 5 "The shape of our country is almost symmetrical."

# 6 "The world's deepest lake is found in our country."

# 7 "We are 700 miles from the Equator."

# 8 "Our willow trees are starting to lose some leaves."

# 9 "The average daily high temperature here this month is 2 degrees C and the average daily low temperature is -7 degrees C.

#10 "We live less than 150 miles from the shores of the world's largest ocean."

Students Answer Challenge Question # 28:

"What do you think your graph will look like on March 22, 1996? Why do you think so?"

Dear Mrs. Berger's Class, We predict that on March 22, 1996 (actually, March 20), the lines on the graph will meet. March 20 is the first day of spring, where everyone on the face of the earth will receive 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. Thank you very much,
Mr. Carpenter's fourth grade class
Deephaven Elementary School

Greetings from Ms. Babcock's fourth grade class in Elmont, LI, NY. We think that on March 22, 1996 all the lines on our graph will converge at 12 hours. We can see a pattern. If we were to continue our lines in the direction they are now heading they would cross at approximately March 20. During the Vernal Equinox (March 20) every place on earth will have 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. The photoperiod in the Northern Hemishere will continue to get longer, and the photoperiod in the Southern Hemisphere will continue to get shorter until June 21.

We think that all the graphs will be close to 12 hours of day light. We are a bit confused by school #7. Is data for sunrise and set on 3/4 correct?
Sixth graders at Clara H. Carlson, Elmont, NY

Thanks to Mrs. Berger's 5th Grade Class
Roslyn Public Schools
Roslyn, NY
**Visit the East Hills School WEB SITE

The Next Mystery Class Update Will be Posted on March 29, 1996.

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