Journey North News

Mystery Class Update:
April 12, 1996

The wonders of technology bring this report to you. Behind the scenes--on vacation, on a beach, in Florida with her laptop-- Mrs. Berger collected this week's sunrise and sunset data. Thank you Mrs. Berger!

Have you figured out where your Mystery friends are hiding? Today's clues are full of time zone trivia. Your head may be spinning as you try to figure out which way the world turns and what time it is at each place. Therefore, we have some useful clues for you:

* A standard International Time Zone map will help you make sense of the time zone trivia below. Local times has been rounded off so you can narrow down to time zone only.

* Assume, for a moment, that all students on earth have breakfast at 7 am, lunch at noon, dinner at 7 pm, go to bed at 9 pm and sleep for 8 hours.

Good luck! After today's report, only 2 more sets of clues will be sent.

Here is the schedule for the rest of the Mystery Class sunrise/sunset season:

April 19 Another set of clues and sunrise/sunset data.

April 26 The final set of clues and the final sunrise/sunset data. The Mystery Class Contest will open and instructions for sending your guesses will be provided.

May 10 The Mystery Classes will be identified and the contest winners announced.

May 17 Our 10 Mystery Classes will post pictures and introductions of themselves so you'll have a chance to meet them by e-mail before the school year ends.


DATE: Monday April 8th


# 1 5:40 20:08

# 2 6:42 19:38

# 3 7:03 18:32

# 4 5:39 18:16

# 5 6:34 18:01

# 6 7:44 21:19

# 7 6:44 18:59

# 8 6:40 18:09

# 9 5:07 18:06

# 10 6:29 18:57

Clues from your Mystery Friends:

# 1 When students in Mystery Class # 4 are eating lunch it's midnight here.

# 2 We eat lunch only 5 hours before students at Mystery Class # 9 have breakfast.

# 3 It's at least 4 hours earlier here than it is at Mystery Class # 2.

# 4 We eat breakfast 11 hours after students at Mystery Class # 3 eat dinner.

# 5 We are 20 hours ahead of the Mystery School that is ten hours behind Greenwich time.

# 6 When we go to bed, students at Mystery Class # 4 are eating lunch.

# 7 We have lunch 2 hours before students at Mystery Class # 2 go to bed.

# 8 Want to know the future? Less than 3 hours after students at Mystery Class # 1 have breakfast we can send them e-mail from tomorrow!

# 9 We're the 5th Mystery Class to see the new day.

#10 Students in Mystery Class # 3 have breakfast 2 hours after we tuck ourselves into bed.

The Next Mystery Class Update Will be Posted on April 19, 1996.

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