Journey North News

Mystery Class Update:
April 19, 1996

Quick! Don't read this, the clues are below! Remember, next Friday you will receive the last set of clues and instructions for the Mystery Class Contest.


DATE: Monday, April 15th


# 1..... 5:14 20:30

# 2..... 6:31 19:45

# 3..... 7:10 18:21

# 4..... 5:28 18:22

# 5..... 6:40 17:51

# 6..... 7:26 21:24

# 7..... 6:40 18:59

# 8..... 6:47 17:58

# 9..... 4:56 18:14

#10..... 6:23 18:59

Clues from your Mystery Friends:

# 1 "On the summer solstice our city holds a traditional basketball game that is played at midnight."

# 2 "If you were here 67,525 days ago you would have smelled smoke."

# 3 "Our city is an Olympic bidder for 2004."

# 4 "It took 100,000 laborers 20 years."

# 5 "We eat chocolate Easter Bilbies instead of Easter Bunnies because rabbits are not native here and have damaged bilby habitat."

# 6 "We're about 4,000 miles from our nation's capital."

# 7 "If we visited Mystery Class #5 we would travel about 570 km more than if we visited Mystery Class #8".

# 8 "If we went from our school to visit Mystery Class #5, then to Mystery Class #7 and then directly back to our school we would have travelled about 15,000 km".

# 9 "We're only 4,700 km away from Mystery Class # 7 and, if we continued to Mystery Class # 8 we would have travelled 1,000 km".

#10 "There are 2 mountain ranges in our country which join very near our town. Between them lies a dry, central plateau."

Thanks to Mrs. Berger's 5th Grade Class
Roslyn Public Schools
Roslyn, NY
**Visit the East Hills School WEB SITE

The Next Mystery Class Update Will be Posted on April 26, 1996.

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