Journey North News

Mystery Class Update: April 26, 1996

"We bid a fond farewell to our Mystery sites as the sun sinks slowly into the west," said Mrs. Berger's class as they submitted the last set of sunrise/sunset data for the season. Hats off to them for the terrific job! If you'd like to drop a note of thanks, you can reach them at: or

The Mystery Class Contest Begins
The race is on! Read today's clues carefully and see if you can figure out where each Mystery Class is hiding. Remember:

To place your guess, just follow the same steps as when answering a Challenge Question:

1. Send your Mystery Class guess by e-mail to:
2. In the Subject line write: Challenge Question #99
3. In the Body of the message answer this question:

Challenge Question #99
"Where in the world do you think our 10 Mystery Classes are located?"

Please include the following information about each site:
a. The name of city.
b. The name of country.
c. Its latitude and longitude.


DATE: Monday, April 22nd


# 1...............4:49...............20:53

# 2...............6:22...............19:52

# 3...............7:13...............18:14

# 4...............5:21...............18:27

# 5...............6:46...............17:43

# 6...............7:12...............21:37

# 7...............6:37...............18:59

# 8...............6:52...............17:51

# 9...............4:46...............18:21


Final Clues From Your Mystery Friends

Thanks to Mrs. Sabotta's students in Iron River, Michigan for noticing a mistake in last week's clue for Mystery Class #9. The clue SHOULD have read as follows:

"We're only 4,700 km away from Mystery Class #7 and if we continued to Mystery Class #8 we would have travelled 10,000 km."

Here are this week's clues:

# 1. "If you subtract the population of our city in 1990 from our city's zipcode, divide that number by 7 and round off to the nearest whole number you get 9,836."

# 2. "Most students who visit our city like to see one building best. It's made of sandstone but got its name because it's painted."

# 3. "Home to the world's first heart transplant."

# 4. "Last year gunmen attempted to kill our president when he visited the capitol of a neighboring country."

# 5. "We live 1,400 miles from the world's largest rock and in the capitol city."

# 6. Our latitude is about 3 degrees south of our capitol city's latitude and we live in the only region of our country where there are active volcanos."

# 7. "Worbab is to the north and Enubuj is the to the east."

# 8. "The Maori people reached our country before and during the 14th century."

# 9. "We live approximately 3,700 km from the deepest point in the deepest trench in the ocean."

#10. "If you visited our country in 1995 and exchanged $1 U.S. for our currency you would get about 6 xxxxx back."

The Next Mystery Class Update Will be Posted on May 10, 1996.

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