Journey North News

Introducing: Mystery Class # 5

Hi, we are year 7 students of West Lakes Shore School. West Lakes Shore is a suburb of Adelaide, which is the capital city of South Australia. South Australia is called the Festival State because this is where we have a big festival called The Festival of Arts. This is a festival where people from around the world come to watch, meet people and be a part of. This year our festival was called The Fringe.

Adelaide was one of the lucky cities to host the popular motor-racing sport- The Grand -Prix. We first hosted the race in 1985 until last year (1995) it was transferred over to Melbourne Victoria. The Adelaide track was also one of the two Grand-Prix tracks set around the city streets. It is dearly missed by Adelaide car fanatics.

Although Adelaide doesn't have any real snow, we are the first place in the world to have an indoor ski slope. This is inside a centre called 'Mt. Thebarton. The snow and ice is kept hard by huge refrigeration units. We are able to hire skiing boots etc. from the centre and we are also able to hire toboggans which we can also use on the slopes. Adelaide has many sporting activities ranging from Football to Ice-Hockey. The most popular sport would have to be the Australian Football League (A.F.L.). This is played with an oval ball which is kicked around a large field. At each end of the field is four posts. The aim of the game is to kick the ball in between the two large posts (this is a goal). The South Australian team is called the 'Crows'.

Our school is fairly large and is located between a lake and a beach which is where it got it's name, West Lakes Shore School.We have over 700 students with ages ranging from receptions to year 7's. All the year 7's are in the green unit. There are 3 classes and a computer room. Our teacher Mrs Hollands is also the computer teacher so our class gets to use them more often than others. We have been going to Seaton high school for art lessons. Our first time there we did lino prints that had to be either dragons or phoenix. The second time the art teacher came to our school and did screen printing with us.She is also going to come again and teach us drama. In the photo we sent the reason why most of our class were wearing the same top was because our school has a top especially made for year 7's in our school colours made each year.

On the 7th of May till the 10th we the year 7's are going on camp to Mannum which is in South Australia.The campsite is situated near the Murray River.The trip from our school to the campsite will take about 2 hours. The dorms hold 4 bunks and just a little space to move. We will be going fishing.

We will send you more information once we get back from camp. We have enjoyed being part of the Journey North program and hope that you have learned as much as we have!

See ya!

Katie, Rochelle, Vivienne and Natalie on behalf of class G2 at West Lakes Shore Schools, Adelaide, South Australia.

More About the Bilbys...
Rabbits do an amazing amount of damage to the fragile soils of our continent and are considered by all farmers and lots of other people to be a major pest. Our government spends heaps of money trying to come up with ways to eradicate them.

Because many people in Australia felt that the idea of the Easter Bunny being a good thing was not right when rabbits do so much damage we are sort of changing over to the idea of an Easter Bilby.

A bilby is a small native animal that occupies the same place in the Australian animal world as the rabbit does in some other places. It is about the same size and looks soft and cuddly like the bunny, but because it is native to Australia, does not harm the environment in the way that many animals that have been introduced to Australia do. It is an endangered animal and not many people have actually seen one- rather like not many people have seen the Easter Bunny! Five years ago the Easter Bilby was unheard of. Then you could buy EAster Bilbies only in special chocolate shops- and had to get in early before their supplies ran out!

The first place to manufacture Easter Bilbies was Haigs chocolates, right here in Adelaide, so it really is a good clue to our city- except that I can't find any reference to a bilby in the Australian section of the world book, let alone any information on the Easter Bilby!

This year it was possible to buy chocolate Easter bilbies in the supermarkets along with the ordinary Easter eggs and Easter Rabbits. We will try to send a picture of a bilby as soon as we can, but school has just finished for the holidays (2 weeks). I will try to do some research- maybe someone on the Net has some information!

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