Journey North News

The Mystery Class Contest Winners!

Greetings from Humboldt, Nebraska and the Fourth Grade Challenge Class members: Dani, Eric, Jenna, Jessica, Kate, Abbi, Adam, Carley, Kent, Cari, Hannah, Matt, and Stephanie. Mrs. Lynn Connell is our teacher. Our enrichment class meets for 25-minute sessions, twice a week.

We have enjoyed the Journey North Mystery Class project. We were surprised to learn that we had won, because we knew we hadn't been able to figure out all of the mystery sites exactly.

Our class really made use of Mrs. Connell's National Geographic Atlas of the World. We also used the CD-ROM atlases on two computers at school. They made it easier to find the latitudes and longitudes and to draw lines to figure mileage between two places. Mrs. Connell even made us figure the longitudes for last year's (1995) mystery classes using the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) data she found in a site on the Internet. We also used some pretty "low tech" ways of checking our guesses, like wrapping a strip of paper around the equator and folding it into 24 parts to be our "time zones" with mealtimes and bedtime hours labeled.

Here in southeastern Nebraska, most of the schools have already dismissed for summer! Our last day was May 15, though we did come to school on May 17 to pick up report cards and find out that we had won! It was a great way to end the year. Thanks to everyone at Journey North. Happy summer to all!

Mrs. Connell's
Humboldt, Nebraska

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