Journey North News

Please Help Create Journey North's Online Field Guide!

As we wait for neotropical migratory birds to return this spring, we hope you'll help create an online Field Guide to North American Birds--filled with YOUR pictures of these colorful creatures.

Here's a sample student illustration created last spring by one of Ms. Flores-Ward's 7th grade students at McKenney Middle School in Canton, New York. To contribute your artwork, please follow the instructions below.

Which species are "neotropical migrants"? Many field guides now provide information about the winter range of each species. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds is one good example. Here's a list of some of the 350 birds we could include. We hope your class will help!

Examples of Neotropical Migratory Birds

Ruby-throated hummingbird
Rose-breated grosbeak
Scarlet tanager
American redstart
Indigo bunting
Western kingbird
Wood thush
Yellow breasted chat
Red-eye vireo
Tennesse warbler
Bay-breasted warbler
Golden-winged warbler
Connecticut warbler
Black and white warbler
Prothonotory warbler
Wilson's warbler
Magnolia warbler
Cerulean warbler
Blackpoll warbler
Canada warbler
Bank swallow
Cliff swallow
Barn swallow

How to Contribute Your Artwork

* Your illustration must be sent on standard letter-sized paper (8 1/2 X 11 inches).

* On the back of your illustration write:
-- The bird's common name and its scientific name.
-- Your name, school and state or province.

* Please make this artwork as colorful as the birds are themselves!

* Mail your artwork to:

Journey North
125 North First Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 USA

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