Journey North News

Robin Migration Update:
March 5, 1996

As predicted, great numbers of robin migration reports flew into the Journey North office during the past week. While waiting for robins to arrive in your town, pay careful attention to the way the wind is blowing. People often say robins ride in on a south wind, saving themselves energy as they travel. Remember to report your first robin by pressing the button below labeled, "Report Field Observations". In the comments section, please tell us which way the wind was blowing when the robins arrived.

Spring Fever in Maryland
This note just in from Atholton Elementary:

"Our class checked isotherm data for the past five weeks. We have seen a warming trend. We have not had an isotherm reading above 36 degrees Fahrenheit so far. Our class also predicted we will see robins sometime between March 3 & March 31, 1996. Our class has begun to see earthworms. Our latitude is 39.1833, Our longitude is 76.8500 Atholton Elementary Fourth Grade GT Math Class Mellie Lewis

If you have spring fever for robins, encourage your teacher to take you outside each day to measure the daily temperature. If you have trouble convincing him or her to do this, explain you'll gain skills in averaging numbers--and discover how to use math in the outside world. (See the "Spring Fever: Testing a Temperature Theory" activity on the Robin Migration Update page.)

Date............Location (# Robins)

02/23/96........Pomfret Center, CT ( 1 robin)
02/23/96........Galesburg, IL ( 5 robins)
02/24/96........Benica, CA (50 robins)
02/24/96........Toronto, Ontario (" a number of robins ")
02/25/96........Hull, MA (2 robins)
02/25/96........Boone, NC (4 or 5, "several" robins)
02/26/96........New Orleans, LA ("some robins")
02/26/96........Palm City, Florida ("robins galore")
02/26/96........Presqu'ile Provincial Park, Ontario (1 robin)
02/27/96........Gananoque, Ontario (2 , 1 robin)
02/27/96........Lexington, SC ("several robins")
02/28/96........Benedict, Nebraska (20-30, 1, 1, 10-15 robins)
02/28/96........Lock Haven, PA (2 robins)
02/28/96........Berwyn, PA ("about a 100" robins)
02/29/96........Napa, CA (1 robin)
02/29/96........Oley , PA (20 robins)
02/29/96........Frankfort, IN ("multiple sightings" over 15 robins)
03/01/96........Washington, DC (1 robin)
03/02/96........Lock Haven, PA (9 robins)
03/03/96........Annandale, VA (9, 2, 5, 2, 1, 1 robins)

February 23, 1996
Was heard first. Seen at about 10:00 a.m. in backyard. Was pecking at ground. Not very bright in color. The previous week had been warm. Sandra Willoughby, Pomfret Community School,

February 23, 1996
I saw them at Sandburg Lake Estates Trailer Park. I saw them in the pine trees. I think they are nesting. Lindsay Andrews, Mrs. Archer,

February 24, 1996
We have some more sightings to report. The date was Last weekend (2/24/96) we sighted a flock of about 50 robins in Benica C.A. (Jan Svoboda)
February 24, 1996
A number of migrating robins were discovered in Toronto, Ontario on the weekend of February 24-25/96.

February 25, 1996
The birds flew into Joey's backyard and rested there awhile. Ben saw two robins in his yard. We have calculated the isotherm and found it to be only 31degrees. But Joey did find an earthworm digging in his yard. We will recalculate the isotherm and let you know our findings.

February 25, 1996
From Boone, N.C. On Sunday, Feb. 25, I saw my first group of robins of this year. There were only about four or five. The children in my class also sighted several robins that weekend. During that weekend, we were experiencing spring-like weather, but snow is back in our forecast. Fortunately, our robins come to us from a little town "off the mountain" not too far away, so if it gets too bad, they can head back to their winter home. Lynn Coulthard, Green Valley School

February 26, 1996
I saw robins over the weekend on the east bank of the Mississippi although I have seen none around the school. They were the first ones I had seen this spring. I have asked the studetns to keep their eyes open and we will let you know when we see some on the west bank. The trees are still not sprouting but since we have been having warm weather(80 degrees) it should be soon. Where else have the robins been seen? Janice Catledge

February 26, 1996
You can't believe the song birds coming through our part of Florida at this time Robins galore, brilliant cardinals and numerous other song birds. Such a constant volume of song and happiness. They are all headed your way . We even saw two Bluebirds, did not know they migrated and they were lonely in their presence.

February 26, 1996
On Monday, February 26th, a lone American robin was found at Presqu'ile Provincial Park near Brighton, Ontario, on the north shore of Lake Ontario, directly opposite Rochester, New York. Each year, a small number of robins spend the winter in Ontario. Their survival depends on a number of factors, including availability of food and the severity of the winter. Cheers!

February 27, 1996
Some of our teachers noticed two robins on their way to school last week and Colin, one of our students, saw one in a tree in his back yard. It is still cold here. We are expecting an ice storm today. It is nice to hear that there are lots of robins in Texas. Mrs. Malcolm

February 27, 1996
The third graders in Mrs. Alexander's class sighted several robins on Feb. 27, 1996. Robins were seen in their backyards, at bird feeders, and at the soccer field. One robin was even seen near Robin C.'s horse! Oak Grove Elementary

February 28, 1996
I saw 20-30 robins eating on the ground by my Grandpa's barn. Nathan Bowman. I saw one robin on the ground by the trees and one on the ground in our front yard Jill Heiden. I saw one robin in my tree Dustin Welch. I saw 10-15 robins in a tree in my front yard Mark Nickel. Sightings were from Mrs. Sleight's 4th Grade Class in Benedict, Nebraska.

February 28, 1996
There were two robins sighted at about 5 o'clock P.M. at my teachers house. Meghan McManus Ms. Nancy Heilman, Lock Haven High School,

February 28, 1996
When we went out to recess this morning, there was a flock of about 100 robins on the play field. We were very surprised. The temperature then was 57 Celcius. It was a foggy morning since the snow was melting and it was so warm. One of the other teachers said she saw 1 robin near her home also. Tredyffrin/Easttown Middle School

February 29, 1996
We are reporting sightings in Napa C.A Robin sighted in a backyard at 2:55 Pm on feb 29 (Jan Svoboda)

February 29, 1996
Hi from Oley Valley Students! Second grade students at Oley Valley Elementary School in= PA saw two robins in their backyards. Fourth grade students in the OVEEP class report the following isotherms: =46eb.16 - 22 was 36=9AF -- no robins sighted
=46eb. 22 -28 was 51=9AF -- several robins sighted=20
However we expect colder weather this weekend and possibly= some snow.Today's high temperature is onlyy going to be 34=9A F.

February 29, 1996
We waited to send in our data until at least one student from each of our five classes sighted a robin. By February 21, this had occurred (a total of 10 robins had been sighted). Our first earthworm sighting was February 27, and we viewed five robins outside our classroom on February 29. We were surprised to see robins so early in the year (crocuses aren't even up yet, let alone tulips), but we read in the Sunday, February 25 issue of the Indianapolis Star that there are a few robins that occasionally winter in Indiana, despite the cold winters. Angela Knight or

March 1, 1996
While riding the Metro from Alexandria, Virginia to Washington, D.C, I saw one robin flying over the Potomac River. Elizabeth Donnelly, Journey North.

March 2, 1996
About 9 robins were sighted yesterday by a citizen of Lock Haven. Meghan McManus and Ms. Nancy Heilman Lock Haven High School

March 3, 1996
Good Morning from Columbia Elementary School in Annandale, Virginia! April saw 9 robins Sunday, March 3. Justine saw 2 robins in a tree today. Erin saw five robins on his roof on Sunday. Roy saw 2 robins in a nest on Saturday. Andrew saw 1 robin in a tree on Saturday. Carrie saw 1 robin and a nest on the ground that had fallen from a tree. Salli saw many earthworms.

The Next Robin Migration Update Will Be on March 12, 1996

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