Robin migration is in full swing as you'll see when reading the messages below from your fellow Journey North students. When you see your first robin, look closely at its coloring. Male robins arrive on the breeding grounds one or two weeks before the females return. You can tell male robins because their feathers are very dark black and bright orange in comparison to those of the female. When the first females arrive later, you'll notice their plummage appears faded and drab in comparison to that of the males. After you've seen your first robin this spring, count how many days go by before you see the first female.
Challenge Question # 42
"Why do you think male robins arrive before the females? What are the advantages and risks of coming earlier?"
To respond to this Challenge Question please follow the instructions at the end of this report.
How to Report Your First Robin Sighting
Remember to report your first robin by pressing the button below labeled, "Report Field Observations".
In the comments section, please tell us which way the wind was blowing when the robins arrived.
Robin Sightings Received Through March 15, 1996
02/25/96........Jefferson, IA
03/03/96........Ellensburg, WA
03/05/96........Tabor, IA
03/05/96........Pennington, NJ
03/10/96........Lititz, PA
03/10/96........Lititz, PA
03/11/96........Delano, MN
03/11/96........Utica, NY
03/12/96........Mankato, MN
03/12/96........Iowa City, IA
03/12/96........Wayzata, MN
03/12/96........Minneapolis, MN
03/13/96........ Pueblo, CO
03/13/96........Lititz, PA
03/13/96........Sheboygan, WI
03/13/96........Janesville, WI
03/14/96........Philadelphia, NY
03/14/96........Eden Prairie, MN
03/14/96........Hudson Falls, NY
03/14/96........Melrose, MN
03/14/96........Platteville, WI
03/15/96........Stony Point, NY
03/15/96........Newtown, CT
03/15/96........Oley, PA
03/15/96........Warren , ME
From IOWA:
February 25, 1996
A single robin was sighted across from Jaques Elementary
School on a residential lawn on February 25. Students have
reported 4 - 6 sightings daily since Feb. 25. On Wednesday,
March 13, temperatures in central Iowa reached 70 degrees.
On Wednesday and Thursday, since the very warm
temperatures, students and faculty have reported combined
sightings of approximately 80 robins. Other students have
observed many robins since this sighting.
Gerry Stein
March 3, 1996
Near the airport, I saw 100s of robins
Tawni Taylor
4th Grade Teacher
Lince Intermediate School
Selah, WA
From IOWA:
March 5, 1996
I saw 3 robins sitting on an electrical line Randolph, Iowa.
Randolph is in SW Iowa. Since that time Robins have
been sited by many of my classmates.
March 5, 1996
We spotted three robins on March 5 outside our classroom.
We were a bit worried since snow was predicted for the
upcoming weekend. The temperatures have warmed,
so we are anxiously waiting to see more robins!
Eileen spotted her robin in her backyard.
Miss Ladd
Toll Gate Grammar School
March 8, 1996
I only saw 2 this time.
Nicole Duff
Silver Moon Farm
March 10, 1996
Many students are beginning to see robins in our area.
Adrienne saw two in her front yard, Matt Hardy and his
mother saw three, Allison spotted four and Kimberly
and her mother saw one. To make sure that the sightings
are valid, our students are being asked to have a parent
verify their sightings. When a parent signs a note that
robins have been seen, we send it to Journey North.
We're hoping to see many more robins in the near future.
We're ready for spring!
Kissel Hill Elementary
March 10, 1996
Many students are beginning to spot robins in their
communities. Adrienne saw in her front yard.Her mother
saw them too. Matt Hardy saw three with his mother.
Allison also saw four robins. We are happy to see them
come, because that means winter is finally leaving.
Kissel Hill Elementary
March 11, 1996
Hi I'm Kathryn Willette in Mr. Bingea's fourth grade
room in Delano, MN. I saw two robins in my backyard
yesterday, March 11, 1996. They were chasing each other
in my backyard. Is it possible that robins are already
migrating to Delano, MN or did they never leave?
March 11, 1996
There were three robins on the limb of an ash tree.
They were singing, probably to other birds somewhere
in woods in another area. They appeared a bit scrawny,
and since there was a foot of snow on the ground most
sources of food were scarce if there was any at all. Hopefully
they will evade the nearby "family" of red tailed hawks
which are always on the look out for an easy meal. Kevin Gates
Mrs. Maurer
Whitesboro Middle School
March 12, 1996
A student reports a sighting on March 12, 1996, in an
alley behind his house. He is the first reporter from
our class. Our wind have been from the south this week.
Sue Zarn
4th Grade Teacher
Roosevelt Elementary
From IOWA:
March 12, 1996
This is the first flock of robins seen by anyone in
our class at Weber School in Iowa City, Iowa.
We had a very cold week last week, and our isotherm
did not reach 36 degrees. This weekend it started to warm up,
and the willow trees are slightly green. I saw a flock of
12 robins in the farm field near my house.
Aaron Zahradnek, 6th grade
Mrs. Kurtz
Weber School
March 12, 1996
I saw 2 robins flying over my house on March 12, 1996
Wayzata, Minnesota
Elizabeth Donnelly, Journey North
March 12, 1996
A few of us are just starting to see a few robins. The
weather was beautiful yesterday! (around 60 degrees)
Our snow and ice are melting quickly. Mallards are showing
up more and more each day as are the geese. Many have
been spotted on the edges of ponds where there is open
water. We are hearing the cardinals and chickadees
singing in the morning now. Spring is definitely in the air!
Alex N. and Scott B.
Dave Kust
Grade 4 Instructor
Breck School
March 13, 1996
As of today, March 13, our whole class has seen robins.
We have sighted both males and females. March is our
snowiest month but our temperatures are getting much
warmer. The isotherm theory did not hold true for us.
From Feb 11 to Mar 9 our average temperatures
have been 37 47 15 and 35.
Our Entire Class of 21 Students
Mrs. K Allen (Gary Trujillo)
South Park
March 13, 1996
One of our fourth grade students and his father spotted
two small flocks of robins at a wildlife refuge near the
town of Lititz in Lancaster County, PA. We have since
had several individual sightings from other students....:
Sighting Approximately 48 robins
Kissel Hill Elementary
Barb Jones
March 13, 1996
We are in Mrs. Parks' 5th grade class at Wilson School and
would like to report some robin sightings. We saw 8 robins
on 3-13-96 in Sheboygan, WI. We are still looking, so you
might get more E-mail.
March 13, 1996
I was home ill today and
noticed a small flock of robins in my yard. They looked to
be all males and there were 13-15. It was if today was
arrival day. Yesterday there was virtually nothing around
and today in addition to the robins I observed a song
sparrow, bluebird and grackles.
John Soehnlein
Aldrich Middle School
March 14, 1996
Hi our names our Michael Howard and Donald Shaffer
we are reporters for Indian River School District. Since
we have just started we don't have alot to report yet:
Our first sighting of a robin was on March 7th. The
weather is beginning to finally warm up here. Today,
March 14th it is 50 degrees. The ice should be going off
the rivers and lakes very quickly now.
We will report again soon.
Mike Howard and Donald Shaffer
March 14, 1996
Robins have been sighted in Eden Prairie, MN!!
Jeanie Anderson
March 14, 1996
A single robin was sighted in the area. Hudson Falls is
about 50 miles north of Albany, NY.
Mrs. Swan's class
Hudson Falls Junior High School
March 14, 1996
Robert's Mom saw a flock of Robins on the ground in
their farm yard.
Grey Eagle Elementary
March 14, 1996
The six robins sighted were located near Platteville,
Wisconsin on March 14th by our teacher Mr. Upton.
March 15, 1996
of the nine robins three were feeding on the ground,
three in flight, and two in a tree, one in birdhouse,
one roof average temp. have been increasing with day
time highs int he upper 50's snow has finally melted
that was on the ground and earhtworms should begin
to appear soon we expect to see the number of robins
increase over the week ques.- Melissa wants to know
why robins return north when the temp. in the south
is warm year round . Greg wants to know where the robins
actually go when they go south? Mike wants to know
if they go back to the same exact place? David- do they
only eat earthworms? Danny-1, Stephanie-3, Mr.Sottile-2,
Ryan-1, Jeanette-1, David-1
Thank you, Mr. Sottile's 6th grade class (John Sottile)
March 15, 1996
Tanya was walking to the bus stop with her friend about
8:00am when they spotted the Robin in the neighbor's yard.
This has been our very first sighting. Our weather for
this week has been from 45 to 60x which is about 20 to 30
warmer than the previous week. Mrs. McCready's class
also spotted this afternoon (12:30pm) the first crocus which
was in the school's courtyard. Spring may be on its way after all.
This has been a wonderful experience for our whole school.
Jackie Carson/Math Sci Coordinator
Mrs. McCready
Middle Gate Elementary
March 15, 1996
Robins are starting to come to Oley. We have seen
a flock of 10 - 20 robins. Spring is just around the corner --
only 5 more days.
Second grade students
Mrs. Cheryl Moretz
Oley Valley Elementary School
March 15, 1996
On March 15, I saw three robins by my house. They
seemed to be looking for food and came near my kitchen
window. Food is hard to find. We still have snow on
the ground. Our global address is 44o 7 min. 13 sec. N,
69o 14 min. 26 sec. W. Samuel Hyler
Frank D. Rowe School
How to Respond to Challenge Question # 42.
1. Send an e-mail message to:
2. In the Subject Line write: Challenge Question # 42
3. In the Body of your message, answer the question.
The Next Robin Migration Update Will be Posted on March 26, 1996
© Journey North 1996 |