Journey North News

Announcing the Robin Migration "Early Bird" Contest

When will the first robins arrive in Anchorage, Alaska? Students in Mr. Sterling's class in Anchorage challenge you to predict when robins will finally reach their town. They've had a long, hard winter as you'll see when you read their note below.

When do you think the 36 degree F isotherm will reach Anchorage? Do you think robins will arrive with it? Don't forget to check your newspaper for the daily high and low temperatures in Anchorage. Good luck! We hope you enjoy this contest.

Here's this week's robin Challenge Question, posed by Mr. Sterling's students:

Challenge Question # 63

"When do you think the first robins will arrive in Anchorage, Alaska?"

To respond to this Challenge Question please follow the instructions at the end of this report.


To: Journey North
From: Zach and Roger, Room 15
Sand Lake Elementary School
Anchorage, Alaska


"We are Mr. Sterling's fifth and sixth combination class at Sand Lake Elementary in Anchorage Alaska. Before predicting the robins arrival here, we thought you would like to have information about the present conditions of our robin habitat.

"Zach Dunlap and Roger Post (that's us) went outside to our school's playground and found out that the ground is still frozen. Reports are that the frost depth is 10 feet instead of the usual 5 feet because this winter we did not get snow until February. We did get the cold weather and we got it bad. In fact, the whistling cold cold wind came and froze the ground more than ever. The weather has the meterolgists worried stiff that when the rain comes we will have the worst break up and rainy season ever.

"The last three weeks or so have been quite warm! We have had lots of sun and temperatures that reached up into the 40s during the day. The snowpack, which was thin to begin with, is getting thinner by the day! This morning (Monday) the temperature is 7 degrees F. But it will get up into the 30s today!

"If you are wondering how our moose are doing they are in a moose paradise! The calves (first year moose) are also loving it! They are most definitely surviving and are loving it. Last winter, we had record snow, and the toll on the moose was terrible.

"We are one of the only Japanese Immersion program in the country. We are learning Japanese for half a day, five days a week. We have been learning Japanese since we were in the first grade."


How to Respond to Challenge Question # 63.

1. Send an e-mail message to:

2. In the Subject Line write: Challenge Question # 63

3. In the Body of your message, answer this question:

"When do you think the first robins will arrive in Anchorage, Alaska?"

Reminder: Robin migration updates are now being posted every 2 weeks.

The Next Robin Migration Update Will be Posted on April 9, 1996

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