Journey North News

Robin Migration Update:
April 30, 1996

This unscheduled report is brought to you so Mr. Sterling's class at Sand Lake Elementary can make an important announcement:

"Dear Journey North Participants!
The Robins contest is over!!! We, up here in Anchorage, Alaska have sighted robins. They seemed to have come overnight. There was nothing on Sunday and then they are everywhere today, April 29th. Can you believe it? Finally!! The Isotherm last week was 42 degrees. The two weeks prior were both at 41 degrees."
The Robin Group in Mr. Sterling's class
Sand Lake Elementary School
Anchorage, Alaska

Five days earlier, on April 24th news arrived from our friends in Glennallen, Alaska that robins had arrived there. According to Beau Dean Sawyer of Mr. Szarzi's 7th Grade Class ( who reported the first robin, "It was sitting on a stump at approximately 6:30". (Glennallen, Alaska 187 miles east of Anchorage and 114 miles north of Valdez.)

Early Bird Contest Winners Announced
Congratulations to these students for successfully answering this question, "When do you think the first robins will arrive in Anchorage, Alaska?"

Hello from Maple Lake MN! It's colder here than in Alaska. We have large flocks of robins here and think they will get to Anchorage on the 28th of April, with the females coming by May 4th.
Maple Lake Elementary/STRETCH
Rosemary Carlson (

I think robins will reach Alaska sometime in the end of April or the beginning of May because I looked in the encyclopedia under Alaskan climates. It says in March the highs are 34 but Alaska had a cold winter and the frost went deeper so the 36 F would come later. So that the robins will probably come later than March.
Emma Dyer , Grade four, Conners School, Bar Harbor, Maine
Hersey G. Four (

We think they will arrive in Anchorage on April 16th, 1996.
Kathy Clark (

In our next report we will provide a summary of robin migration data from Spring, 1995. We will also summaries the migration information you helped gather this spring. You will be able compare the two sets of data and look for similarities and differences between the 2 seasons.

The Next Robin Migration Update Will be Posted on May 7, 1996.

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