Signs of Spring Tulips Page

Signs of Spring Tulips

Background Information

Tulips are the focus of this international science project in which students investigate the relationship between geography, temperature and the arrival of spring. In the fall of 1995, over 150 test tulip gardens were planted in school grounds across North America. Planted according to specific instructions, the tulips in these gardens will serve to confirm the arrival of spring in each community. As the tulips bloom, students will share their observations and follow the wave of spring as it moves across the continent.

Schools who have not planted official Journey North gardens can still participate this spring by reporting observations of the first tulips that bloom in their city. Since an early-blooming tulip variety is our official bulb, these observations should approximate those from the official sites. Both sets of data will be kept separately so that students can evaluate the results. Planting instructions for the fall of 1996 will be made available late this spring.

Teachers are encouraged to link with other participating classrooms to compare observations and exchange data.

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