Journey North News

Loggerhead Turtle Migration Update
February 14, 1996

Here are the most recent data points from our travelling turtles. As you continue to track the loggerheads with scientists Standora and Morreale, watch carefully for patterns in their movements. Remember that you will be receiving new turtle data every week. Be sure to compare all the previous data to the new data each week. This will help you see trends and patterns.

Turtle # 9037

Feb. 4: 34.361N, 75.908W
Feb. 5: 34.952N, 75.098W
Feb. 5: 35.075N, 74.833W
Feb. 6: 35.780N, 73.546W

Turtle # 9038

Feb. 6: 37.661N, 48.857W

Turtle #9039

Feb. 4: 38.232N, 61.945W
Feb. 5: 38.238N, 61.637W
Feb. 6: 38.223N, 61.325W
Feb. 6: 38.043N, 61.182W

Turtle # 11462

Feb. 6: 33.044N, 78.581W

As you review the new data points, can you tell:

1. In which direction is each turtle travelling?
2. How far has each gone since the last report?
3. Do they all seem to be moving at the same rate?

The Next Loggerhead Sea Turtle Update Will be Posted on: February 21, 1996

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