Journey North News

Loggerhead Sea Turtle Update:
February 28, 1996

Hello Again, Turtle Trackers!!!

We've received some brand new location data for the loggerhead turtles and we put this data below. As before, be sure to chart the movements of the turtles in this new data and compare it with their movements in the prior data. Do you notice any interesting changes in the path or direction of any of the turtles?

Turtle # 09037

Feb. 10: 37.427N, 68.767W
Feb. 11: 37.254N, 68.460W
Feb. 12: 37.071N, 68.343W
Feb. 13: 36.819N, 68.107W
Feb. 13: 36.768N, 67.998W

Turtle # 09038

Feb. 10: 38.351N, 48.330W
Feb. 11: 38.411N, 47.712W
Feb. 13: 38.134N, 47.208W

Turtle # 09039

Feb. 10: 36.689N, 62.370W
Feb. 11: 36.188N, 61.884W
Feb. 12: 36.298N, 61.133W
Feb. 13: 36.916N, 60.777W

Turtle # 11462

Feb. 10: 33.435N, 77.496W
Feb. 11: 33.773N, 76.608W
Feb. 12: 34.469N, 75.810W
Feb. 13: 35.716N, 74.040W

  Challenge Question #10--AGAIN!!

We haven't received many responses to last week's CQ #10 yet, so we are going to ask it again.

Using the table below and the atlas you used last week for ocean depth:

"What is the depth of the ocean area where each turtle was swimming on the date and location shown in the table below?"(You don't have to give the exact depth--it is fine to give a range of how deep the ocean is in these areas.)

Turtle # Date Lat Long How Deep?

9037 Jan. 19: 32.904N, 78.217W
9037 Feb. 06: 35.780N, 73.546W
9038 Jan. 19: 37.996N, 47.475W
9038 Feb. 06: 37.661N, 48.857W
9039 Jan. 19: 37.797N, 65.106W
9039 Feb. 06: 38.043N, 61.182W
11462 Jan. 20: 33.778N, 77.428W
11462 Feb. 06: 33.044N, 78.581W

How to Respond to Journey North Challenge Question #10:

1. Address an e-mail message to:
2. In the Subject Line of the message write: Challenge Question #10.
3. In the body of the message, give your school's name and location and answer the question!

We'll share your ideas and those of other students in future reports. You can also see students' answers to Challenge Questions on Journey North's WWW site.

The Next Loggerhead Sea Turtle Update Will be Posted on: March 6, 1996.

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