Data for Monday, February 6th , 1995

February 10, 1995

We would like to take a moment to introduce ourselves to you before we give you
your first data chart for the Mystery Class Project.

We are Mrs. Berger's 5th grade class from the East Hills School in
Roslyn, New York.  Roslyn is on Long Island and is a suburb of New York City.
We are very active on the Internet and are involved in many projects.  We
correspond with 7 scientists across the United States who act as resources for
us and have live-chats with us.  We have 6 keypal classes that we have
exchanges with on four different continents.  We are involved in the Arctic
Project and the Earthforce Project, as well as Journey North.  As you can tell,
Mrs. Berger is concerned about the environment and our future in keeping it

We are excited about coordinating this part of the Journey North
project and can't wait to hear the guesses you will have when it is completed.
We will then ask all the Mystery Classes to introduce themselves to you and
share something about their city and country.  Good luck to you all and have

And now, your first data chart:

                        JOURNEY NORTH MYSTERY CLASSES
                            SUNRISE/SUNSET DATA

DATA from:  Monday, Feb. 6


     # 1                            No data reported

     # 2                          No data reported

     # 3                24 hours of sunlight

     # 4                        7:02 AM           5:40 PM

     # 5                        7:07 AM          6:25 PM

     # 6                        8:16 AM        17:13 PM

     # 7                        7:55 AM          5:22 PM

     # 8                        8:50 AM        16:18 PM

     # 9                        No data reported

     #10                      6:39 AM           8:26 PM

     #11                      6:40 AM           8:19 PM               * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Joan Berger                             *                                   *
Internet Educational Consultant         *  ...for the world is hollow,      *
East Hills School                       *  and I have touched the sky!      *
Roslyn, New York 11577                  *                                   *
                                        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *