Data for Monday, March 27 and CLUES

Mystery Class Update, March 31, 1995

Last week each Mystery Class provided a single clue that
enabled you to estimate the longitude of their location.*
Now all you need to know is the latitude of each place and
you're there!  What does your Mystery Class graph tell you
about the latitude of each site?  Can you arrange the sites
in order from north to south? (Since you'll be thinking
about latitude this week, you might be interested in the
article from tomorrow's newspaper which we've attached

Mrs. Berger's class collected additional clues from several
of the Mystery Class sites this week.  They've included them
below along with the weekly sunrise/sunset data.  Clues like
these will be provided during the month of April so you can
pinpoint each location by the May 1st guessing date.

*Teachers:  If you have still not received the 3 page "HELP
for TEACHERS" posting which describes how to use GMT sunrise
figures to estimate longitude, please let us know.  Send a
message requesting "HELP for TEACHERS" in the subject line


DATE:  Monday, March 27th

     # 1       	 6:55 am	18:47 pm	

     # 2         6:31 am         7:25 pm   	

     # 3   		NO DATA	   		

     # 4      	 6:01 am	 6:24 pm

     # 5   	 6:18 am	 6:33 pm      	

     # 6    	        NO DATA 		

     # 7   	 7:06 am	 7:45 pm

     # 8                NO DATA

     # 9                NO DATA

     #10                NO DATA

     #11   	  6:24 am	 6:18 pm

CLUES From Your Mystery Friends

#1:  A well defined land form of ours is a piece of land
     jutting out into the sea.

#2:  We have lots of mountains and our climbers are
     challenged by the lofty peaks and rugged terrain of
     the range.

#3:  Brrrrrrrrrrr!

#4   Sunsets these days reflect off of the mountains to the
     east, giving them the characteristic "watermelon"
     appearance for which the conquistadors named them.

#6:  Our biggest department store is across the street from
     the seat of our government.

#7:  We are about 75 miles to the sea and the second largest
     city of this country.

#8:  Mining is our chief economic activity.

#9:  We live in a young nation that has seen much strife.

April 1, 1995
Latitude Shoes: New Invention Sweeps Across Earth

Today scientists announced what will probably be hailed as
one of our century's  greatest inventions.  Appropriately
named, "latitude shoes" allow those who wear them to travel
around the earth in just 24 hours. When activated, latitude
shoes hover 6 feet above the ground while the earth spins

People everywhere are invited to put on a pair of latitude
shoes and write a news story about their 24 hour adventure
around the Earth for Journey North News.

How far and fast do you travel?

How many countries can you visit?

Is the climate the same at all places of the same latitude?
Why or why not?

What clothes should you bring along?

What do you see when you travel around the earth at your latitude?

Send your story to: