Data for Monday, April 17th and CLUES

Mystery Class Update, April 21, 1995

On April 1st we announced the recent invention of Latitude
Shoes.  Several students immediately put on a pair and have
now returned from their 24-hour adventures around the world.
Their stories are posted below.

This spring, as you followed the changes in daylength at
places around the globe, you may have figured out that
photoperiod is the same at all places of the same latitude.
If you took a trip around the world at your own latitude,
for instance, you'd find that the seasonal changes in
photoperiod are identical at all of the places you'd visit.
That is, the sun shines the same amount of time at all these
places.  Here's a CHALLENGE QUESTION for you to think about.


Why aren't seasonal temperatures identical at all places at
the same latitude? After all, if the sun shines equally at
these places, shouldn't they be equally warm?  For example,
why is it much warmer in northern Europe than in places of
the same latitude in the U.S. and Canada?

Send your answer to:

DATE:  Monday, April 17th


     # 1       	     	 No Data

     # 2           6:10 am      9:34 pm
     # 3 	  10:13 am     15:31 pm   	

     # 4           6:33 am      7:41 pm

     # 5           6:00 am      6:39 pm
     # 6     	   5:18 am     21:36 pm   	

     # 7 		  No Data

     # 8           5:45 am     21:04 pm

     # 9                  No Data

     #10                  No Data

     #11           6:40 am      5:50 pm


# 1  In 1652 the Dutch set up a supply station here for
     their East Indies shipping.

# 2  The snow is melting. Our playground looks like a
     slushy pool.

# 3  This is the highest, coldest, windiest, driest, iciest,
     more remote place on earth.

# 4  Roadrunners are out in force, a sure sign of spring

# 5  The wettest place on earth is in our state. Each year,
     11,684 mm of rain fall there.

# 6  During the month of May, the average daily high
     temperature is 19 C, the average low is 8 C and we can
     expect 13 days of rain.

# 7  The ___ River connects our city to the ___ Sea, which
     is an arm of the Atlantic Ocean.

# 8  No new birds. Just ptarmigan and ravens so far.

# 9  The capital of our country is within 175 miles of the
     mouth of the longest river in the world.

#10  The highest point on our continent is about 200 miles
     from our city.

#11  We are situated on an alluvial plain facing a gulf.

-----Students Tour the World Wearing Latitude Shoes-------

"Our classes loved hearing about your April 1st invention,
Latitude Shoes, but only two were brave enough to tackle the
journey.   Hope you like their results.  We are at 39
degrees North".

Judy Nathan, 4th grade teacher
Murray Avenue School, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
			    by Scott Weiss

It all started at 12:58 on a normal Saturday until a funny
looking man about 3 feet tall said, "Free trip around the
world.  Just  put on the shoes and you'll be flying high in
no time.  Get them quick  while they're still hot."  So, I
put on a pair.  In a second I was  hovering in the air six
feet above the ground.  It was totally awesome.   It was
kind of boring at first but the next thing I knew, I was
traveling  right over the Atlantic Ocean.  It felt like a
couple of hours before I  saw land again.  During the rough
waves in the middle of the ocean I got  sea sick and passed
out for about an hour.

Now I'm fine and I just passed Prodo, a famous museum in
Spain.  Then I passes a few islands such  as Sardinia, or
Sicily.  Also in Spain, we saw Jean Cloete's statue on a
horse.  He was the first to ride.  After the islands I found
myself in  Turkey.  We went past Izmar, Anatolia, and Gazi.
Next we went to Iran.   I had a few close calls.  Next I hit
Tibet.  I could see the monks in  their monasteries.  China
was great.  The food looked mouth watering.   The people
were friendly.  I wish I knew what they were saying.  I
enjoyed looking at the forbidden city.

I saw Korea, which was fascinating because of all the toys
and goods they make.  After Korea I  went to the Pacific
Ocean.  I don't know how long it was because I fell  asleep
during the ride.  I saw my uncle in Colorado.  He must have
been  on a ski trip because he lived in Salt Lake City.
When I returned I was  really tired.  I went to bed shortly
after my return.  When I woke up I  found I had traveled
around the world once.  I traveled through 8  different
countries.  I wish I could have brought all kinds of clothes
because in some places I was hot and some places I was cold.
It was the  best day in my life.


by Tom Loughner

Well, I tried the latitude shoes, and I traveled around the
earth  at a pretty fast pace.  It only took me 24 hours!  I
went through four  countries:  North America, Asia, Turkey,
and a tiny bit of Europe.  The  climate is very different in
Africa and Europe than it is in  Philadelphia.  It is
different in Africa because it is some desert and  rain
forest.  I brought along all sorts of clothes, including
shorts, and  sweatshirts for around Denver, Colorado, jeans
and other clothes.  I saw  the Rocky Mountains and bumped
into some (I almost broke my arm!).  I saw  the Pacific
Ocean - it is huge!  I saw Bejiing, China, and I rode
through  Greece and the Atlantic Ocean.  It was very fun.
My friends borrowed the  shoes and are traveling right now.
I think I see Jared coming in now!

                  Latitude Shoes
                 Maximilian K. Page
                Grade 4 - Mr. Carpenter

I would put on the latitude shoes at 20 degrees south. I
would whiz through three continents: South America, Africa,
and Australia. First, I would pack some T-shirts (because
they're all by the equator), my tooth brush, one or two
hats, a pair of sunglasses, shorts, swimming trunks, and
about a thousand dollars.

I would visit a little bit of Chile, probably seeing
mountains. Next, I would be crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Now
on to continent number two: Africa. In Zaire I would be busy
looking for some exotic animals. After crossing the Indian
Ocean I would be in Australia, continent number three. Boy,
is it sunny here! I better put on my hat and sunglasses.
Look! There's a kangeroo! I think I'll go swimming. Bye!

Deephaven Elementary, Deephaven, Minnesota