Introducing Mystery Class #3

Editor's Note:
O.K., so this one isn't a class EXACTLY, but hasn't it been
fun to watch the changes in day length at this Mystery


I'm Jeff Frontz and I live at McMurdo Station on Ross Island
in Antarctica.  I've been here working for the United States
Antarctic Program since early October, 1994 and will be here
until at least October of this year.

I'm a computer geek by trade; I take care of all sorts of
Unix workstations  and Macintoshes.  I live and work with
243 other people at McMurdo and  10 people from the New
Zealand Antarctic Programme at the nearby Scott  Base.

This winter, we are a self-contained community, living off
of supplies that were stockpiled in the austral summer.
That's because during the austral winter, the extreme
weather conditions prevent planes and ships from visiting
Ross Island.

As you may have surmised from recent data, it's dark here
right now.  There is still a period of twilight around lunch
time, but the length of that period is decreasing.  With the
darkness comes the ability to see the Aurora Australis, the
Southern Lights.  I was lucky enough to see them a few days