Introducing Mystery Class #4

Albuquerque Academy is a grade 6 through 12 independent
college preparatory  school in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  We
have a diverse student body - with  students of many ethnic
backgrounds, which reflects the cultural diversity of  New
Mexico itself.  New Mexico is rich in the Hispanic heritage
of the  southwestern US, with many traditions dating back to
the original settlers.  The  oldest Spanish settlements date
back into the 1500's, but Native Americans were  here in
well established settlements - called Pueblos when the
Spanish arrived.   These settlements date back to pre 1000 A.
D. The descendants of both Hispanic  and Native American
origin, keep many of the customs of their ancestors alive.
In addition, New Mexico has a rich Anglo heritage.

Modern New Mexico has more Ph.D's per capata than any other
state - with two  government research facilities (Sandia
Labs and Los Alamos), their contractors,  and the large
Intel facility (computer chip manufacuturing), as well as
the University of New Mexico, New Mexico State, New Mexico
Tech, the  U.S.Geological Survey offices, etc.)

Our climate is mild most of the time, but winters can be
cold - some places in  the state drop to -30 degrees F.,
summers hot - it can get up to 110 degrees F.,  springs
windy - gusts of 60 mph are not uncommon on some spring
afternoons, and  autumns beautiful.  You might say our
weather is as diverse as our people.

Land elevations range from about 4000 feet to almost 11,000
feet, with much of  the land above 1 mile in elevation.
Terraine varies from the Rocky Mountains in  the north, the
Great Planes in the NE and east, the Colorado Plateau in the
west  and North West, the Basin and Range in the south and
south east, with the state  split by a large geologic
feature called the Rio Grande Rift - a large down  dropped
fault (graben) with displacement as much as 10,000 feet in
places. In addition there are several inactive, but fairly
recent volcanic areas  scattered throughtout the state.
Truly a diverse terraine as well.

Animal life varies from elk, mule deer, bison, cougars,
bears, coyotes, jack  rabbits with huge ears (really hares,
not rabbits), cotton tails, eagles, owls,  road runners (The
state bird), hawks, horned toads, rattlesnakes (several
species), a few gila monsters, several species of trout, not
to mention all of  the animals common to most other parts of
the USA.  There are several National  Wildlife Refuges, and
visits to the bosque along the Rio Grand by Whooping  Cranes,
Sandhill Cranes, egrets, and other aquatic birds is common.

Big events in New Mexico include the State Fair in
Albuquerque, the Albuquerque  International Balloon Fiesta
(1000 hot air balloons from all over the world  fly, Santa
Fiesta, Deming Duck Races, Gathering of Nations PowWow, and
many  Pueblo feast days and dances.

Albuquerque sits just about in the center of all this.  No
wonder New Mexico is  called the "Land of Enchantment".

Mr. Bob Whisnant and Class
Albuquerque Academy
Albuquerque, New Mexico