Our school is well known in Moscow because our students take part in olimpiades, competitions. They play in some performances, are fond of travelling, etc. Many of them can succesfully study abroad in the best colleges of the USA, France, Germany, etc. Our city is easily to be found on the European plain. It is situated on the crossing of two rivers: the Moskva river and the Yaza river tribufaries of the great russian river Volga. The city was named after the Moskva river- Moscow. Moscow was founded in 1147 by the great Russian Prince Yury Dolgoruki. The location of the city is not very comfortable (convenient) because it is un protected from cold winds from the North and warm windsfrom the South. This causes great temperature flactuation Western winds bring us much snow, and Eastern winds give frosty weather. Sometimes it freezes hard in winter. Additional information average temperature in winter is 8 degreez below zero and in summer is 18 degreez above zero (Celsius). There are many universites in Moscow. The most famous univercity of Moscow is Moscow State Univercity named after Lomonosov. There are many facultiesin it such as economic, geographical, historical, philological, etc. It graduates specialesto in almost all branches of science. It is considered to be the best univercity in our country. It is very popular and our students are proud to get education there. We are glad to correspondence from you and your friends . Sincerely yours, Shugarev Teachers of geography in Moscow South-West High School geogr@s43.msk.su