Introducing Mystery Class #9

Shalom to all the participants in the Mystery Class project,

We hope you had an intresting time doing your research on
this project. I will try and tell you a bit about our place.

We live in a small settlement (about 100 families) called
Midreshet Ben-Gurion (Midreset is  Collage in Hebrew, and
David Ben-Gurion was the first prime minister of  Israel).
This place is located in the Negev, this is the southern
part of  Israel.

If you look at the Atlas - you will see that there is a
triangle  in the south of Israel: A line conecting the
cities of Gaza, Beer-Sheva  and Arad at the North. and Eilat
(on the top of the Aqaba Golf) at the  south. Sde-Boker is
about 50 KM South of Beer Sheva. This triangle is a  Smi-
Arid Desert - we have less than 100 mm. of rain evry year
and the  vegetation is very sparse, and mainly concentrated
in the Wadis. Wadi is  a dry river bed - where water is
running only occasionally during the  winter, when it id
raining. At these times we have floods and evryone is  going
out to see the waterfalls. Everything dries out within few
houres later.

Our place is overlooking Wadi Zin (the wilderness of Zin) -
and the view is fantastic. David Ben-Gurion and his wife
Paula are buried here, on a terrace overlooking the
Cliffes of Wadi Zin. Many visitiors are coming to  visit the
grave and to look at the magnificent desert veiw.

When we are looking for our students (or our Kids) it is
common to hear  an answer "he/she went to the grave" - this
may sound strange to those  who hear it for the first time.

The weather showes that the summer just started now - the
days get longer  (as you may already know) and hotter. They
will open the (uncoverd)  swimming pool soon.

We work (and study) in a very special and unique high
school. This is a  High School for Environmental Studies.
This is a boarding school and we  have about 200 students
that come to study here from all parts of the  country. Oue
curriculuum has a big part of Environmental Issues and our
students are involved in many Field Activities.

We will be very happy to answer questions and to give you
more information.

Best regards and Shalom,

Hannah and Students.
| David Lloyd, Hannah Sivan                   ____                        |
| The High School for Environmental Studies  /    \  We teach IN the      |
| Sde-Boker, ISRAEL 84990                  /        \   Environment, ON   |
| E-mail <>  ____/            \   the Environment |
|       <>    /                 \                  |
| Voice 972-7-565897               /                    \    and FOR the  |
| Fax 972-7-556286  -------------/                        \___ Environment|
|                                                                         |
| David's English Page:   |
| Hannah's Geography Page: |