Bald Eagle Migration Update, 5/3/95

Bald Eagle Migration Update, May 3, 1995

Our eagle STILLL seems to be migrating! When do you think she will finally stop? At the end of this report you'll find migration data from the eagle Peter Nye tracked last spring. Compare the timing of the two eagles' journeys and see what you learn about eagle migration.


1) What do you notice about the timing of each migration as it relates to the distance north each eagle travelled?

2) When you plot today's data, you'll notice that our eagle is no longer in Quebec. What is the name of this new province and what is the mainland portion called? (If you know some interesting facts about this place be sure to include them.) Send your answer to:

Date Latitude Longitude April 22 52.230 N 68.386 W April 26 52.885 N 68.402 W April 28 52.859 N 68.413 W April 30 53.263 N 66.490 W

"Dear Students,

Between April 22nd and 26th you'll notice that our eagle made a small move to the north and west and appeared to be very near Lake Opiscoteo. I thought she had nearly reached the place she will ultimately nest, but she moved again on April 30th a bit further to the north and east. She now appears to be near Menihek Lakes."


There's still time to "Guess the Nest"! Is the April 30th location her final destination? Send the latitude and longitude of the location you think her nest will be to:

************************************************************ Comparing 1994 and 1995 Satellite Tracked Eagles

Compare the timing of last spring's eagle migration to ours. (Remember that this is not the same eagle.) A full summary of this spring's data is included.

Summary of Spring, 1994 Eagle Migration

Date Latitude Longitude Feb. 28 44' 20" N 75' 59" W March 1 44' 18" N 76' 04" W March 3 44' 21" N 75' 58" W March 7 45' 11" N 76' 27" W March 10 45' 9" N 76' 28" W March 11 45' 13" N 76' 26" W March 13 45' 21" N 76' 28" W March 15 45' 31" N 76' 27" W March 17 46' 15" N 75' 53" W March 19 46' 21" N 75' 46" W March 22 46' 16" N 75' 58" W March 23 46' 18" N 76' 00" W March 25 46' 18" N 75' 54" W March 27 46' 21" N 75' 52" W March 29 46' 31" N 76' 02" W March 31 48' 27" N 74' 58" W April 2 48' 23" N 74' 56" W April 5 48' 24" N 75' 08" W April 6 48' 22" N 75' 02" W April 8 48' 19" N 75' 00" W April 10 48' 19" N 75' 12" W

Summary of Our Eagle's Spring, 1995 Migration

Date Latitude Longitude March 1 41.234 N 75.186 W March 17 41.558 N 75.122 W March 20 42.041 N 74.925 W March 27 43.731 N 73.072 W March 31 44.969 N 72 268 W April 2 46.033 N 71.532 W April 6 46.758 N 70.294 W April 8 48.258 N 70.028 W April 10 48.981 N 68.798 W April 14 49.280 N 68.386 W April 16 50.018 N 68.143 W April 22 52.230 N 67.372 W April 26 52.885 N 68.402 W April 28 52.859 N 68.413 W April 30 53.263 N 66.490 W