Leatherback Update, 2/28/95

Leatherback Sea Turtle Update February 27, 1995

"Here are the latest readings from the leatherbacks. There was a national conference for sea turtle scientists last week in South Carolina which you'll hear more about it in my next report. I'll also be busy answering all the questions you set to me!

Now it's my turn to ask you a question. Turtle #1111 has just entered a part of the world that was visited by a famous 19th Century naturalist. Who was the famous scientist and what theory is he known for?"

Dr. Ed Standora

Send your answer to Dr. Standora's CHALLENGE QUESTION to:


TURTLE DATE LAT(N) LONG(W) 1111 FEB 13 4.756 N 87.836 W 1111 FEB 18 3.044 N 89.826 W 1111 FEB 20 1.857 N 90.503 W

1112 FEB 12 10.309 N 85.506 W 1112 FEB 13 11.396 N 86.205 W 1112 FEB 14 10.140 N 86.106 W 1112 FEB 19 9.528 N 85.811 W 1112 FEB 20 9.133 N 86.321 W 1112 FEB 21 9.025 N 86.410 W


The leatherback mothers that we are tracking laid their eggs in Costa Rica in January. The 60 day incubation period is almost over.

Predict how far away each mother will be when their eggs hatch (in kilometers) AND guess their location (latitude and longitude).

Send your guess by March 1st to: jn_hatch@informns.k12.mn.us

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