Students Teach About Caribou

CARIBOU (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus)

and the Arctic Schools Who Will Teach About Them.

Since humans first inhabited the arctic thousands of years ago, caribou have played a central role in their lives as a source of food, tools, energy and clothing. How will people and caribou coexist in the future? Thanks to two arctic schools, one in Canada's Northwest Territories and the other in Alaska, you can explore this fascinating issue first hand with them this spring.

Canada's Qamanirjuaq Caribou Herd
Information gained through satellite tracking will help balance human needs with those of the caribou. Students from Baker Lake's Ilitsiijaqturvik School northwest of Hudson Bay will send migration reports about the Qamanirjuaq herd from February to June, 1995.

Alaska's Caribou: The Porcupine Herd
Meet students from Wainwright, Alaska and their teacher Laura Thorpe who worked in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for 3 years before coming to Wainwright. She and her students will share their knowledge about the Porcupine Herd with you.