Robin Migration Update, 3/2/95

Robin Migration Update March 2, 1995

The northward journey of North America's robins has clearly begun! Eight new reports arrived this week. After you read today's Robin Migration Update and the Winter Robin Round Up, consider these questions:

1) Why do you think robins were reported from Vancouver, British Columbia (2/16/95 ) before points further south such as Nebraska, Kentucky and Tennessee?

2) Many people have reported robins wintering further north this winter than usual. List the advantages and disadvantages when a robin stays in one habitat rather than migrating.

3) What does the information contained in today's two reports tell you about robin migration? Can you draw any conclusions?

4) Read the report below from students in Alexandria, Minnesota. How would you answer their question based on what you've learned about robins and migration? (Please send them your answer!)

Remember: Report the FIRST robin you see this spring to:


February 12, 1995 Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Anne Smrcina, our whale education specialist, reported seeing a robin on Cape Cod. She says it's been a mild winter on the Cape and no snow was on the ground when she saw the robin.

February 19, 1995 35 N, 86 W, Tennessee

We reported our first robin on February 19. Our location is 35 degrees N and 86 degrees W. Robins do not stay here all winter. We have also had a very unusual winter so far. Temperatures have been above normal.

Mrs. Craig's Third Graders Oak View Elementary CRAIGD@TEN-NASH.TEN.K12.TN.US

February 19, 1995 Washington, D.C.

Hello, my name is Michele Flores-Ward and I am a Math/Science teacher in Canton, New York (that's near Canada). NO we have not seen our first robin! In fact, we are in the middle of a snow/ice storm right now. However, I traveled down to Washington, D.C. on February 19th and I did see a robin there. So I thought I would tell you and we'll keep looking here, too!

February 21, 1995 Omaha, Nebraska

A robin was sighted in a suburb of Omaha, Nebraska (Millard) on 2-21-95 in the morning by a 4th grade student named Sara.

Kathy Wischow Willowdale Elementary, Omaha, Ne.

February 21, 1995 Georgetown, Kentucky

Hi, We are from Georgetown, Ky and today we saw our first robin. Shalom Cynthia Snider & Alice Cox ket!

February 21, 1995 Owensboro, Kentucky

We saw our first spring robin!! The robin was building a nest for spring. We were concerned because the spring-like weather has now suddenly turned winter again. We will keep a watchful eye on it because he is in our backyard. Darlene Runyon Daviess County Middle School 37 north 88 west

February 22, 1995 Rock Hill, Missouri

Dear Journey North, On February 22, 1995 the fourth grade class took a tour of our campus 2:30 pm. cst and we saw 15 robins. The temperature was 25 C.

Sincerely, Katherine Moschner Teacher-Mr. Redden Steger School, 38 North, 91 West

February 23, 1995 Beatrice, Nebraska

We have spotted one robin outside of our Middle School on 2/23/95. Our approximate location is 40.5 N.....96.5 W. Our town is Beatrice Ne. About 35 miles south of Lincoln Ne.

steve hobus

February 26, 1995 Sedalia, Missouri

I spotted our first robins (2) this morning, Feb. 26, at my home in Sedalia, MO. This is approx. 39 degrees N. latitude and 93 degrees W. longitude. By the way, this is the 9th day the average daily temperature has been above 36 degrees.

Barbara Allen, Librarian Clarksburg C-2 School

February 27, 1995 Granger, Texas

First robin spotted at Granger,Tx. Longitude 97W and Latitude 30N. Sheila Marie Mcnabb

We are a group of 43 first graders in Alexandria, Minnesota. Our global address is 45.52 degrees North and 95.22 degrees West. We are tracking the migration of the robin back to our state. Our class has not seen a robin yet, but our local newspaper reported that a woman in our town spotted a robin at 2:00 p.m. out of her dining room window on February 13th!!! She said that she got out her binoculars and it was definitely a ROBIN. She has never seen one this early before. We are wondering if the robin never left the area because of our unusually warm weather....balmy mid-thirties. What do you think? Mrs. Ripley and Mrs. Odland's classes 0206vel@InforMNs.k12.MN.US

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