Challenge Questions From the Oriole Squad

Oriole Squad Update, May 2, 1995

Oriole Challenge Questions From Ms. Flores-Ward's 7th grade

1. How long does it take an oriole to build a nest?

2. How big is the average oriole egg?

3. Why is the nest attached to the far end of slender branches?

4. What do orioles eat?

5. How are cowbirds parasitic to orioles and other songbirds?


1. 4.5-15 days

2. .9 inches or 23 mm

3. To be relatively safe from climbing predators and larger avian nest robbers.

4. Insects AND spiders, snails, and some buds in spring

5. They lay their eggs in the nests of other species and those species then rear the baby cowbirds (who are BIG eaters!)

Ms. Flores-Ward's 7th grade Canton, New York (Michele Ward)

Journey North 125 North First Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Phone: (612)339-6959