Family Visits Mexican Monarch Sanctuary

To: Journey North From: Mike Cerre-GLOBE TV Date: Friday, 10 Feb 1995 Subject: Our Family's Visit to the Monarchs' Winter Sanctuary. Angangueo, Michoacan, Mexico

We had a spectacularly clear and warm day and managed to get up into the Rosario sanctuary while the monarchs were still dormant. An hour later, the sun's rays penetrated the forest canopy and the place came alive. At one point it looked like it was snowing. "Orange flakes" filled the shafts of sunlight and Lauren (12) & Lee (10) Cerre couldn't resist walking into the flurries, arms outstretched and giggling with delight. At one point we all just sat their motionless for a half hour just to listen to and watch the thousands of butterflies dancing around us.

As the temperature got warmer, the monarchs headed down the hillside in search of water and covered every puddle, trickle and stream in sight. It truly was one of the most unforgettable nature experience we've encountered.

Some of the local guides commented on the heat and speculated on a migration departure date of around March 13th. My youngest daughter doesn't think the United States and Canada are big enough to accommadate all the butterflies we saw this weekend in their winter habitat in Mexico.

Mike Cerre

Journey North 125 North First Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Phone: (612)339-6959