Monarch Butterflies: CHALLENGE QUESTIONS

Monarch Butterfly CHALLENGE QUESTIONS: May 15, 1995

Monarch butterflies go through three stages in development before becoming adults. The chart below shows the length of time they spend at each stage. It's possible for them to increase their size 2,700 times in just 9 days during the larval (caterpillar) stage! Monarch caterpillars eat milkweed so fast they're like eating machines, and can strip the leaves from a milkweed plant in a matter of days.

Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle: Rate of Development

Stage #Days Average (range) Eggs 3 - 5 4 Larvae 9 - 18 12 Pupae 9 - 18 12

Note: Monarchs develop more QUICKLY when the weather is WARM and more SLOWLY when it's COOL.


1) According to the chart above, what's the shortest amount of time it can take a monarch to go from an egg to an adult?

2) How long can it take?

3) What's the average amount of time required for a monarch to go through all three stages?

4) If you weighed 2,700 times more than you do right now, how heavy would you be?

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Students Answer Previous CHALLENGE QUESTIONS:

We are three fifth graders from Atholton Elementary School in Columbia, Maryland. We would like to try and answer the challenge questions about monarchs spotted in New Mexico and eggs in Baton Rouge respectively.

Q. To which population do the monarchs spotted in New Mexico probably belong?

A. We think the monarchs spotted in New Mexico between April 20th and April 24th belong to the California population. We base this opinion on the path that the monarchs appear to be making. Looking at the monarchs' path they seem to be moving in a easterly direction. Monarchs moving east from Mexico would never land in New Mexico. However monarchs moving east from California would most definitely go through New Mexico.

Q. If the monarchs laid their eggs the day they arrived in Baton Rouge (March 22), how many days did it take for them to develop into adults?

A. We feel that it would take approximately 23 days for eggs that were laid on March 22nd to develop into adults. We base this conclusion on these facts: it takes approximately 3 days for the eggs to hatch, 2 weeks before it enters its chrysalis and then spends 15 days in the chrysalis.

We still have not spotted any monarchs here in Columbia, but we keep looking!!!!

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