Monarch Watch Memberships/Tagging Kits

MONARCH WATCH 1995 The Monarch Watch is a collaborative network of students, teachers, volunteers and researchers who are engaged in studies of the migration and biology of the monarch butterfly.

One of the principal activities of Monarch Watch participants is the study of the fall migration (late Aug- Nov). Some observers keep journal records of sightings, others raise and release monarchs while many others tag, record and release migrating monarchs.

To receive tags you must become a member of the Monarch Watch. The annual membership fee is $10. Members will receive 1) a tagging kit containing 20 tags, 5 practice tags, adhesive, and instructions, 2) the season summary, and 3) a short pre-migration newsletter. If you expect to tag more than 20 monarchs, additional tags will be provided for $5 per 100 tags. Tagging kits will be mailed in late August. If you wish to join the 1995 Monarch Watch,please send in your membership fee as soon as posssible ( before 15 July) so that we have time to prepare the tags and kits.

Send membership requests to: Monarch Watch c/o O.R. Taylor Dept. of Entomology University of Kansas Lawerence, KS. 66045

If you wish to have more information about the Monarch Watch, we can be reached by e-mail as follows: Our world wide web address is: