Gray Whale Update, March 22, 1995

Dear Students,

This is an informal report that was sent to Anne Smrcina from her colleague, Laura Gorodezky, in the National Marine Sanctuary network. Laura is on the Pacific Coast. There are many people out watching for whales for you! They send their reports to Anne who then forwards them to us...and we send them on to you!

There are some things in this report that aren't explained. If hundreds of us put our heads together let's see if we can figure these things out!

1) What do you think the Condor and Island Packers are? 2) Where do you think they are located? 3) Why do you think Ms. Gorodezky includes orca sightings in her report on gray whales?

Please send your answers to:

From: Gorodezky, L. Subject: Whale Sightings To: Smrcina, A.

Hi Anne,

Here are the gray whale sightings for last week from the Condor and Island Packers.

Condor (Their computer is down - so this is just qualitative human recollection) They have been doing 3 trips per day at 9am 12 pm and 3 pm. They have been seeing about 8-10 whales per trip, usually juveniles and adults in groups of 2 or 3. Whales have been seen within 5 miles of the coast of Santa Barbara (mostly within 2 miles). Today (on the 12 noon trip) they saw a pod of 6 gray whales engaged in courship behavior 3 mile off of University Point (Near UC Santa Barbara). At 9 am today, they saw 1 juvenile whale in a kelp bed off More Mesa (between Goleta and Santa Barbara).

Saturday 3/18 - 6 Orca whales were observed 14.5 miles S/SW of Santa Barbara mid channel.

Island Packers - all sightings were of whales going North

3/16 3 adult gray whales, 1 calf 34 07 83 N, 119 22 14 W 3/17 1 adult 34 04 59 N, 119 23 01 W 3/18 3 adults 34 08 57 N, 119 24 58 W 3/19 5 adults 34 07 44 N, 119 18 14 W 3/20 5 adults 34 08 55 N, 119 22 48W. (one with a distintive white spot 2/3 back on the left)

Let me know if you need more info.

Laura Gorodezky

Journey North 125 North First Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Phone: (612)339-6959