Humpback Whale Update, 3/22/95

Humpback Whale Update, March 22, 1995

Happy Spring! This is Anne Smrcina again from the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary with a short report this week.

We received a report from the Silver Bank Sanctuary in the Dominican Republic that the whales are still there (as of March 20) -- this information came from a whale watch cruise (but no specific data on numbers). The S.B. Sanctuary reports at least 6 mother-calf pairs have been seen and that one of the mothers was one that has been seen in the Gulf of Maine.

David Wiley from the International Wildlife Coalition reports that one dead humpback was seen at coordinates 39 07.5N 72 38.7W (the Great South Channel area) on Wednesday, March 15. It was positively identified as a humpback from video and photos, appeared to be an adult male humpback, dead for some time (due to the decomposition), with no conspicuous marks or wounds (cause of death could not be determined). The photo reconnaissance was made by researchers with the help of the U.S. Coast Guard (they have a weekly helicopter patrol which surveys the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and adjacent areas -- the Coast Guard has agreed to handle enforcement duties for Sanctuary regulations).

That's all for now. Enjoy the first week of spring.