classroom activities

by way of (0834llel@InforMNs.k12.MN.US)
Mon, 8 Dec 1997 16:29:04 -0600

Hi, we are from Mrs. Eiger's sixth grade class in Stillwater, MN. We are
doing projects on robins, we'll tell you what they are all about.

Lately we have been working on a snow and ice experiment. The results are
snow melts much faster than ice. The snow melted in 30 minutes and the same
amount of ice took 2 hours.

We are also going to see if plants grow best in light or dark surroundings.
About a month ago we made paper mache robins. We have enjoyed this unit so

Kelly LeVake
Jenae Huber

Ellen Eigner
6th grade teacher
Lily Lake Elementary
Stillwater, MN  55082