New Teacher on Line

Mon, 8 Dec 1997 16:29:28 -0600

Greetings to all !
My name is Steve Uyeda, and I teach biological sciences to 9-12 grades at the
North Hollywood High School Zoo Magnet Center in Griffith Park next to the Los
Angeles Zoo, Los Angeles, CA.  I am really excited about all the data that has
come my way in such a short time, and I really look forward to working with all
of you.  Three or so questions:

1) Can someone send me or tell me how to get the first peregrine falcon data
set ?  There are peregrine in LA, and I don't know if these are yours.

2) What are the chances of getting a West Coast migratory animal such as
Canada Geese, Rufous hummingbirds or Least Terns ?

3) How does one obtain greater access to information with A Journey North.  I
am a novice Internet newbie and I haven't the slightest idea what to do.

4) How do you want data sent to you (ie robin sightings, we have seen robins
in LA for some time since December).

That's about it.  I am looking forward to charting migration data and since we
just started a new semester with new students, the migrations fit right into my
curriculum.  Thanks !   My e-mail address is:

The school address and phone number is:

NHHS Zoo Magnet Center
5231 Colfax Ave.
North Hollywood, CA  91601
(213)660-3419 (work-fax)

Hope to hear from somebody soon - Steve