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Welcome to Journey North, 1996

Joel Halvorson (halvor@ties.k12.mn.us)
Fri, 2 Feb 1996 01:07:48 -0600

Welcome to Journey Journey North: Spring, 1996

Engaging Students in a Global Study of Wildlife Migration
and Seasonal Change

Who: Students Across North America
What: Track Wildlife Migration and Spring's Journey North
When: Groundhog's Day Until Summer Vacation
(February 2 - June 1, 1996)
Where: On the Internet
Visit Journey North at: http://www.learner.org
How: Join Journey North's Internet Field Team! Read on.....

Students Track Spring's Journey North

This year, the Annenberg Media Math and Science Project is pleased to
present Journey North, an annual Internet-based learning adventure that
engages students in a global study of wildlife migration and seasonal
change. Beginning on Groundhog's Day (Feb. 2nd) students will travel
northward with spring as it sweeps across the continent of North America.
With global classmates and state-of-the-art computer technology, they'll
predict the arrival of spring from half a world away.

Up-to-the-minute news about a dozen migrations will be exchanged between
classrooms as students report observations from their own home towns.
Migrations to be tracked by Journey North this spring include:

Monarch Butterflies, Robins, Bald Eagles, Loggerhead Sea
Turtles, Peregrine Falcons, Right Whales, Humpback Whales,
Loons, Orioles, Whooping Cranes, Caribou and migratory Bats
of the Sonoran Desert!

The dramatic journeys of several animals will be tracked by satellite.
News will travel from the animals' transmitters to an orbiting satellite
and then directly into the classroom via the Internet. This
revolutionary technology will give students a bird's-eye view of the
remarkable challenges faced by individual animals as they travel.

Signs of Spring
Linked to classrooms from the tropics to the tundra, students will
conduct interactive, comparative studies of the natural world. In
addition to following migrations, they will observe the local emergence
of spring through studies of changing daylight, temperature and other
signs of spring.

For example, students will proclaim the official arrival of spring when
tulips bloom in their communities. In this and other "Spring Fever"
projects, classrooms investigate the relationship between geography,
temperature and the arrival of spring. Together students gather,
organize and analyze their own data. Using the Internet they can fit
their local observations into a global context--essentially seeing that
their small part of the world is part of a large, naturalsystem.

How To Participate in Journey North
There are 2 levels of participation available this year:

Journey North News Reporters (Free)

Become a Journey North News Reporter and share your wildlife
observations over the Internet. Follow these steps to register your
school as an official observation post:

By E-mail Send an E-mail message to:

On the WWW Visit Journey North at:

Registration is free and all are invited to participate! In exchange for
your help you'll receive the Journey North News. News reports provide
daily updates about wildlife and other signs of spring as collected by
fellow reporters across the continent.

Journey North's Internet Field Team ($39)
(Includes all LEVEL 1 services.)

New for 1996, the Internet Field Team is an enhancement designed to help
integrate this project into your science, math and geography curriculum.
As part of the Internet Field Team you will receive printed materials
and special online services.

Printed materials include a 100-page Teacher's Manual with 35
interdisciplinary lessons that can be used throughout the 4-month
program. The manual is complete with reproducible student worksheets
and graphs. Schedules and classroom organization techniques used by
participating teachers will show you hot to integrate the program fully.
Published as a 3-ring binder, teachers can add additional lessons and
information as they are delivered online. The Journey North Migration
Map (34" x 29") provides a visual overview of the program--real birds
and butterflies, feathers and flowers surround a colorful map of North
America, and each migratory species is pictured "down south" where its
migration begins.

As part of the Internet Field Team students engage in coordinated
interactive projects with classrooms across the Hemisphere. Weekly Ask
the Expert interviews connect students with Journey North scientists.
Regular on-line data exchange, surveys, opinion polls and lesson plans
make the most of your classroom's Internet connection.

Registration for the Internet Field Team is available for $39 per class.
All benefits of the Journey North News Reporter service (Level 1) are
included. To order call 1-800-965-7373 or complete the attached
Internet Field Team Order Form.

Funding for this project is provided by:
Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Project for Elementary and High School Mathematics and Science

Journey North
125 North First Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401
E-Mail: jnorth@learner.org
Fax: (612)339-7056

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