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Joan Berger, East Hills School, Roslyn, NY (K12ROBZJ@vaxc.hofstra.edu)
Wed, 14 Feb 1996 10:54:40 -0400 (EDT)

Our class has separated into teams of two, each team studying a different
animal and being responsible for sharing the updates of our animal with the
entire class.
This is Jessica and Hiro answering some questions about the Perigrine Falcon.

Perigrines eat many other kinds of animals. They are carnivorous birds, which
means they eat meat. The will eat ground animals but they also will kill and
eat birds while lthey are in the air. When food is scarce, they will eat fish
and insects that have already been killed.

Perigrines migrate because they cannot live without food and they are searching
for food. They can survive in the cold but they migrate south to find food.
They like to spend their winters in cities so they can eat pigeons or other
small birds.

Jessica Siskin
Hiro Arata

K12robzj@hofstra.edu or jberger@dorsai.org
Joan Berger
Internet Educational Consultant * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Roslyn Public Schools * "...for the world is hollow *
Roslyn, NY 11577 * and I have touched the sky!"*
FAX (516)826-0358 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
**Visit the East Hills School WEB SITE at http://www.dorsai.org/~jberger/

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