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To contribute to the discussions below send e-mail to: JN-Talk@Learner.org

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ken highfill (khighfil@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu)
Fri, 8 Mar 1996 20:12:02 -0600

My zoology and biology students really enjoy your updates.

The primary reason that I am writing is to ask you if you would be
interested in having a team of my students write a Spring events summary for
you. We are hoping to visit a Greater Prairie Chicken "booming ground" on
22 March. If the weather permits, we may have some interesting observations
for interested readers.

Again, if all goes well, we will be packing video cameras, a parabolic
microphone, a tape recorder, and binoculars. In addition, we should be able
to get some GPS readings. If we could mail you a jpeg scan would there be a
possibility that you would enter a Greater Prairie Chicken photo for a few
days with our summary. The fact that Kansas high school students take part
of their spring break to observe prairie chickens might be of interest to some.

I suspect that you are nearly overhelmed by the e-mail already; however, if
you are interested, please notify me.

In either case, continued success with Journey North. It is a classic.

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