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Fyle School Needs Tulip Surveys

gpetri (gpetri@monroe.edu)
Fri, 15 Mar 96 14:50:26 0000

Hi Journey North Friends

We are the Fyle School Tulip Researchers from Rochester, NY. We have
asked Journey North Tulip planters to please answer our survey about
precipitation and tulip progress when they have a chance. We are
writing because we have not heard from anyone yet. Our survey is below
in this letter. Would you help us by filling it out and sending it to
us? We would appreciate your help.
Please return your answers to Fyle school at rhjn@mail.rh.monroe.edu

See our survey on Journey North's Web page too!

Journey North News [Image]

Fyle Elementary Tulip Survey

To: Journey North Tulip Gardeners
From: Fyle Elementary School- Classroom A-11
Date: February 16, 1996

> All of the Journey North Registered gardens planted Red Emperor
> tulips. At Fyle School we planted our tulips during the week of
> November 6, 1995. It will be a while before our tulips bloom.

> We are collecting information about tulip survival and health. We
> would like other classes in the Journey North Project to respond to
> our survey about the Red Emperor Tulips you have grown this year.

> Our survey questions are listed below. Please complete all of the
> questions or as many as you can using data you collect. We expect
> information to come soonest from locations where tulips are already
> blooming. Send your answers to: rhjn@mail.rh.monroe.edu no later
> than April 15, 1996.
> * * * Tulip Survey * * *

> School Name_________________________________

> Name your state or province_________________

> 1) When did you plant your tulips (plant date)?

> 2) When did you see your first bloom?

> 3) How much precipitation did you get in the growing season-from the
> time you planted until the first bloom ?

> 4) How tall was your tallest bloom? 5) How wide was your largest
> bloom?

> 6) Did you water your tulips? Why did you need to do that?

> Thank you for contributing to our data collection.

> Hints for Filling Out This Survey

> When we needed information about precipitation, which is the amount
> of rain, snow or other moisture which falls on the ground, we wrote
> to our local meteorologist. We got his address from looking in our
> newspaper's weather section. He was very friendly. We have written
> to him several times.You may have a meteorologist in your area who
> will be able to help you collect precipitation data.

thank you!

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