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THe Bald Eagle

Joan Berger, East Hills School, Roslyn, NY (K12ROBZJ@vaxc.hofstra.edu)
Sun, 17 Mar 1996 18:31:57 -0400 (EDT)

The Bald Eagle
by Andrew Chin

The bald eagle is the national emblem of America. It represents
courage, wisdom, independence, strength, and vigilance. THe bald eagle is a
sea eagle. It belongs in the accipitride family. It eats fish, small mammals,
waterfowls, and dead animal matter. It is not really bald. Bald was taken
from an old Englishman and it means white feathers.
The eagle is 3 ft. tall and its wingspan is 7 ft. The male weighs 3.5
to 4 kg. and the female weighs 4.5 to 6 kg. It lives up to 30 years in the
wild. It lives near coastlines, rivers, lakes, wet prairies, and coastal
pinelands. it is mostly found in North America from Alaska and Canada, south
into Florida and Baja California.
In the winter the bald eagle migrates to southern parts of North
America. In the winter they are mostly found in Florida because there is a lot
of wildlife and swamps and coastlines where they find their food. Eagles also
migrate to Utah because it is plentiful with jackrabbits to feed on instead of
fish. Others smay stay in Montana where their is a place called Glacier
National Park. The park has a plentiful supply of salmon. In the spring, they
migrate away from their southern homes into the northern part of the country.
Some eagles may fly to Albertam Canada. Some fly to different parts of Canada
or may fly to Alaska where they start their families. Bald eagles mate for life
with other eagles. They always migrate together, soit is so easy to catch
eagles and to put transmitters on them to find where they migrate.
In the 1960's the eagle was exposed to pesticides. It then became
endangered but the US Wildlife Service helped protect them. Today the federal
fine is $500 or 6 months in jail for harming a bald eagle or distrubing its
next, eggs, or eaglets.
I feel that the bald eagles are important to the world environment
because they help maintain the life cycle, from controlling the growth of other
animals to ridding the Earth of dead animals which they feed on, to also being
food for other animals that feed on them. I think if we continue to harm these
birds, we will only hurt the environment and ourselves.

K12robzj@hofstra.edu or jberger@dorsai.org
Joan Berger
Internet Educational Consultant
Roslyn Public Schools * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Roslyn, NY 11577 * "...for the world is hollow *
FAX (516) 826-0358 * and I have touched the sky!"*
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

**Visit the East Hills School WEB SITE at http://www.dorsai.org/~jberger/

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