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Monarch Classroom Butterflies

Audrey Nolte (anolte@bciu.k12.pa.us)
Wed, 8 May 1996 15:45:06 -0500

Our fourth grade classrooms at Richland Elementary in Quakertown
Pennsylvania has contacted an educational organization that sells Monarch
caterpillars for classroom purposes. On May 13th we will be receiving our
caterpillars and feeding them mildweed plants which have begun to grow in
our area. We expect Monarch butterflies to migrate here any day now.
However, the use of having our own caterpillars is the experience of
watching them through the process of metomorphesis and taking care of these
extrordinary creatures. We would like to correspond to other journey north
classrooms doing this same project or observing the butterflies in their
natural habitat. If interested please write back. TIA.
Debra Lafferty, 4th grade teacher
Audrey Nolte, Librarian
Richland Elementary School
500 Fairview Avenue
Quakertown, PA l8951-2899

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