How to Register for Journey North 1996

Registration is free and all are invited to participate. There are two levels of participation


If you already have registered and need to edit your information , enter your email address below

Why Registration is Required

Registration is mandatory if you and your students want to submit field observations to Journey North this spring. Registration is for quality control purposes. We will only accept observations that are sent from registered E-mail addresses.

When you submit field observations you will be required to include a registered E-mail address. Students will be encouraged to question data in their role as scientists. By attaching E-mail addresses to all data, students will be able to contact an observer directly if the observer's data is in question.

Please note that you will be personally responsible for all data that is posted using your registered E-mail address. The seriousness of this responsibility should be explained to students.

Click here for more information or contact Journey North at:

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