Interdisciplinary Clues

Mystery Class
Clues for April 4, 2008


"Can you recognize our province/prefecture? You're looking right at us in the top 2/3 of this image from space.

Click image to enlarge

"And here is the symbol for our province/prefecture."

"If you want to come here, you can't drive here--try coming by air, or boat, or via a very, very long train tunnel instead."


"In the 1930's this country gained Independence from Britain but then had to gain Independence again in the 1990's."

Click image to enlarge

"These rare white lions are part of the legends told here. They are symbols of the good to be found in all creatures. "


"Our state touches four lakes that are great; from the famous bridge in this photo you can see two of them.

Click image to enlarge

"Our county is home to a celebration of cheeseburgers and an axe that's no good, and our county shares its name with a lake that's great."

 "In June our city is invaded by millions of visitors to take   part in a great event to celebrate a Saint named John."

"Our province is an archipelago, and many national and international tourists visit us each year. About 60% of the land area is covered with ice, and less than 10% has vegetation."

"Summers are very short, but the wildlife is amazing with bearded and ringed seals and walrus in nearby waters."

"This bird visits our location, as well as
MC #7(but not at the same time)."

(Click images to enlarge)

"This country is divided into 6 governorates. "
"In our summer months my home becomes a busy airport, but the planes are transporting scientists and not holidaymakers." "Named after the person who 1st surveyed the local area, the place where I live has only been occupied by people for about the last 32 years."

(Click image to enlarge)


"Our country was two countries, but now is one. Our flag has three colors. "

"Our province/state lies on the western border of our country."

"One of the most important rivers on our continent runs through our country, our province/state, and through our city too."

(Click image to enlarge)


"Almost all of our province's population lives in a large basin
that is surrounded by mountains."

"The 'cuisine' of our province is so famous that you have probably had some before!!"


"We really know how to 'rock-and-roll' as we are located in a seismic zone. In 2007 our region experienced the largest earthquake we have had in the past 30 years!"

"Our region of the country is home to focas, pinguinos, and tortugas. Almost 1/3 of our country's population lives in our region. "

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