Interdisciplinary Clues

Mystery Class
Clues for April 11, 2008


"Our city is located near a gulf. This is our flag and symbol."

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"Our city receives so much snow that visitors come every winter to see the snow sculptures by international contestants in the large park in our city center, and to ski."

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"Decades ago, international contestants came here in winter for other games; those games had been scheduled to be here once before but were cancelled due to war."

"Our city is less than an hour's drive to 'The Cradle of Humankind' and our school participates in digs there. Our city is in the smallest of this country's provinces, yet our city is said to be the largest and most densely populated in the province and in our country. Gold mining drove the creation of our city."
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"Our town is in the thumb of our state; and it is named after a bird that used to roam the area."
"Our school has three of these to provide electricity for one of our school buildings. We are the only school district in our state to have them. In the sky around our city, there 3 times as many of them, plus a few more." "The grain elevator in this photo of our city is so large that it can be seen for miles when driving through the countryside; it is also known in our state for its size--said to be one of the largest. "

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"This is a monument to three men that are part of our city history. They came to our city to buy some goods to sell and support their families. They were known by their horse troupes and this monument is in their honor. "

"Our city is an important economic and politcal center for our province/state, and we have the second largest population in our province/state after the capital city.This is our city's flag ."

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"Coal mining was originally the main activity in our town, but today the mines in our town are closed and research by international scientists is the main activity. We have about 30 residents during winter, and somewhere near 200 in summer."

"Our town is on the largest island in our archipelago province, and our town is located about 100 km north of the province's largest and capital city. Some say our town is one of the farthest north human settlements. Part of our town's name means 'new' in our native language."

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"Our city in located on the shore of a gulf.This city is home to this seat of government, as this is the capital city of our emirate."

"Construction of this telecommunications tower in this city (the tallest in the photo) started before a military invasion of 1990. After the defeat of our invader neighbor, the tower was renamed to celebrate our liberation."
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"Our location is on an island. Last July myself and 4 other musicians here played songs to a live audience of 17 people, but 2 billion people worldwide saw us play on TV and the internet."

"Our city was once the federal capital of our nation, but now we are a second home to many federal offices. Importantly, we are also a home to many UN offices."

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"This famous composer was born in our city centuries ago."
"Another famous citizen born here is a yummi candy that's so good you can hardly 'bear' it."
"Because our city is surrounded by distant mountain ranges, it is often very cloudy here, and so they say 'When the sun shines, dogs will howl.'"
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"What's black and white and spotted all over? Are you bamboozled? You shouldn't be!! Our city is famous for the research and breeding center for this darling!"
"Our city is the capital of our province."
"Although they may just look like large piles of dirt, these huacas are an extremely important part of our city's history." "The shoulder bone's connected to the back bone, the back bone's connected to the neck bone, the neck bone's connected to the head bone…which you can find in the catacombs of a monastery in our city center. The church is also home to a world-renowned library."

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"A major river that runs through our city is a big 'talker' according to the language of the indigenous people of our country--which fits since our city is a capital city."

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